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I know this is all over the place right now, but bear with me here, and let's cross our fingers that it gets better. Also, this part is kind of boring [and short] because my mind is drawing a blank on where I want to go with Ashly, Nathan, and Christopher. I'm also trying to work out their future relationships with the other characters.

Depression is like the monster under your bed. It hides away until you're alone, then it attacks. Though this monster isn't a scary one, it's one of the most dangerous ones. 

Ashly's mind can be a very dark place. She feels stuck, alone, maybe a little crazy. There are rumors at school that say she is crazy. That she's not all there. Once, she heard a rumor that she would one day snap and go on some homicidal rampage, but it wasn't said with those exact words. Sometimes, she wonders if its true, especially with this beast within her. She wonders if the loneliness will become too much, and it will turn to anger. 

Nathan Castles dragged his sister along with him to the Byers' house; they're having a movie night. Joyce Byers has said that Nathan and Ashly are invited to movie nights anytime they want to join. Nathan has taken up the offer many times, while Ashly has never been to a single one, until now anyways. She didn't feel it was a good idea to be alone.

Christopher Castles is currently at his shop in town, fixing up a '61 Dodge Dart Pheonix. He would've been home earlier, but he accompanied Joyce, Will, and Hopper at Hawkins Lab for Will's regular check-up.

Ashly is completely oblivious to her father attending these appointments, where, not only do they discuss Will and how he's doing, but also discuss Ashly's connection to what happened. They've theorized that when the gate opened, it must have triggered that beastly, or savage, part of her. All shapeshifters have a trigger that makes it hard to control that side of them. For example, werewolves find it hard to control their change when the moon is full. For Ashly, it could be the radiation or chemicals of the Upside Down. 

Towards the middle of the movie, Ashly excused herself to go outside for a little while. She felt weird being around them for do long. It's not the 'hanging out with people I hardly know' kind of weird. But the 'something's going to happen' kind of weird. The feeling, whatever it means, is coming from Joyce's youngest son, Will. Almost as if something's going to happen to him.

She sat on the steps of the front porch smoking a cigarette and watching the stars that litter the dark sky. As she was lost in her own mind, she hadn't heard some walk out until she heard them sit beside her.

She looked over, a bit surprised, to see Jonathan. Ashly has never had a proper conversation with the teenager. In fact, the only interaction she's ever had with him was small nods of acknowledgment in the school halls.

"My mom asked me to come see if you're alright." Jonathan's voice was soft and quiet, as if he worried that he would disrupt the peaceful atmosphere. Ashly just nodded, remembering that Nathan fell asleep a few minutes before she came outside.

"I'm fine, it's just not really my type of movie." Lying comes easy to Ashly. She stomped the butt of her cigarette out in the gravel.

"Not mine either. Bob chose it." Jonathan was no doubt awkward, which didn't bother Ashly. She actually found it charming in a way, which may be the reason she felt a sudden burst of confidence.

"What movie would you have chose?" Ashly turned to him when she asked, a small grin on her red painted lips.

Jonathan looked a bit taken aback at her question. He's never seen her willingly talk to anyone except Nathan. Nevertheless, he thought about it. "Friday The 13th or Creepshow." He watched the way Ashly's small grin widen just a bit.

"What about both, and throw in The Shinning?" That sounds like the perfect night to Ashly. In fact, if she decided to stay home,she would probably be doing that right now. Horror movie marathons are her favorite marathons.

Ashly didn't know what it was about Jonathan Byers that made it easy to talk to him. He brought a feeling of familiarity with him. She's able to put her guard down around him, like she can around her own family.

"It makes for a great combination." Jonathan gave a breathy laugh while looking down at his worn shoes, which he probably put on before coming outside.

Ashly hummed in agreement, not able to wipe the grin off of her face. There was a comfortable silence for a few moments before she decided to break it. "It's weird, talking to you," she paused to find the appropriate words "not in a bad way. I've hardly spoken to anyone other than my family for years. I'm just not a people person I guess. But, it's nice, talking to you."

She was surprised by how much she just rambled. It might not sound like much to most, but it's a lot for her. Especially when saying it to someone she hardly knows. Maybe this will be a good change for her. She just doesn't want to hurt anybody. The thought of her losing control and hurting those around her, is absolutely terrifying.

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