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Monday, October 29th

Ashly Castles parked her dark red 1973 Yamaha RD350 next to you younger brother, Nathaniel's, though everyone calls him Nathan or Nate, olive green 1978 Jeep Wagoneer. The 16 and 17 year-old siblings stood in front of the Jeep's bumper, watching students talk amongst themselves or walk towards the front doors of Hawkins High School. 

"Dad would strangle you if he ever finds out you ride without your helmet." Nathan mentioned casually to Ashly, who was lighting a Marlboro light after pulling out her hair elastic and running a hand through the ends to unknot her blonde locks. 

"Yeah well, it's not like I'm gonna die in an accident. Within 10 minutes, it'll be like nothing even happened." Ashly glanced to the 16-year-old next to her. He just rolled his eyes with a small smirk. Before Nathan could retort, a blue Camero blasting Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions sped into the parking lot and parked. 

The first one out was a young red head, who raced off towards the middle school. Ashly frowned, watching a blonde teenage boy step out of the drivers side. She blew smoke from her lips and watched others in the parking lot gawk at the denim clad new boy.

Ashly turned and made her way towards the school. her dirty, black combat boot smashed the cigarette butt she tossed in front of her before she was too close to the entrance doors. She threw a quick nod over her shoulder to her brother, not at all surprised that he was behind her as this was an everyday routine at school. His locker was down a different hallway, so the two parted at the entrance like always. 


The final bell of the day rang, signaling the end of 7th period. Ashly stopped at her locker, putting away her notebook and slamming the metal door shut. Around her, students stood with their friends, most likely discussing a Halloween party tomorrow night. Glancing at a flyer some girl was holding a few lockers away, Ashly rolled her eyes and snickered at the stupid pun printed on the front 'Tina's Halloween Bash. Come and get Sheet Faced.' 

Halloween is Ashly's favorite holiday because of the horror movie marathons that play on television. However, she never goes out of halloween; she doesn't go out much in general really. Nathan does, but Ashly can't. It's too much of a risk, and she's never really been a people person anyways. 

Ashly wore black fingerless leather gloves, black and white striped tank top, black leather jacket and light blue jeans. It was her everyday look, very casual. She straightened out her jacket after pulling her olive green canvas messenger bag over her shoulder, then made her way out of the school entrance doors and over to her bike. 

Ashly's never had any friends, but Nathan has a few friends. A couple of those being Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler. He's also hung out with and has grown closer to Jonathan Byers over the past year. At times, she's had to go over to the Byers' place to tell Nathan that dad wants him to come home, or call if he was going to be staying over. 

Last year, Jonathan's younger brother, Will, went missing for about a week. That same week, Ashly came down extremely ill


Monday, November 7th, 1983

Christopher and Nathan Castles locked the last padlock on the shed door, after leaving around 10 pounds of raw meat inside. They hear the chains rattling violently inside, low growls and a hiss emit from behind the heavy, grey, wooden door. 

"I don't understand. She's never been this bad before. Training was going so well, she's always able to get back into control." Nathan looked at their dad, hoping he would have an answer of some kind. Unfortunately, Christopher had none. 

"Something's here. In Hawkins. It's something dangerous. I don't know exactly what it is, but that thing senses the threat. Ashly's training has nothing to do with this. She's still in there somewhere, but that thing isn't going to let her go so easily until that threat is gone."  Christopher led his son back into their house, located in the outskirts of Hawkins, Indiana by an old car park. 

Hours later, Chief Jim Hopper knocked on the Castles front door asking if they've seen Will Byers. 

"When did he go missing?" Christopher asked, gears turning in his head. 

"Around or a little after 8:00 last night. We found his bike next to the road that intersects where Cornwallis and Kerley meet. We thought to check out here incase he ran away, figured you might've seen something." Hopper explained as Christopher let him in. Hopper glanced around. The kitchen entryway was to the towards the end of the house, a window leading out back was over the sink. Hopper looked at the shed seeing the multiple padlocks on the door, meanwhile Christopher was telling him that they haven't seen anyone, but they'll keep an eye open.

Hopper wasn't exactly sure why, but his curiosity sparked. Unfortunately, before he can ask any questions, Officer Callahan told his that they should get back to start getting a search party started, just as they told Joyce before making their way over here. 

Hopper, Callahan, and Powell left the property, and Chris sat down with a notebook, pens, a book of Indiana's history, a folder, and two books he's had since he's found out about that thing in of Ashly. 

She first sifted at the age of 12. At first, he was terrified, just as any other would be if their daughter changed into some vicious mutant and was found eating a bird that flew into their yard. 

She changed back shortly after he found her, she didn't know what happened at the time. Christopher was thankful that Nathan was staying at a friends house that night. Christopher told her to take a shower after that, he tried to remain as calm as he could, he was pale and clammy while he sat and thought about what he just saw. 

He couldn't call anyone. That was his little girl. So, he turned to research. He found two books in an antique store in Indianapolis, both on mythology; while studying what he could in these books, he made notes on Ashly's habits and appearance during her shifts. He pulled her out of school, homeschooling her while helping her control these shifts. 3 years later, he put her back in public school as she showed she could control herself well. 

Until this November week in 1983, that is. 


Looking across the lot, she caught Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler's eyes. Ashly never liked the Wheeler teen, she's always seemed like sort of a prissy know-it-all to her. Especially when she and Harrington just started dating the year before. Now, things are just off between the two. Not only is there a difference of attitude between the two, but Nancy's also hanging with Jonathan Byers, who use to be and still kind of is a loner. Ashly use to feel bad for the older Byers' kid, he was unrightfully bullied and called all sorts of nasty things that are utterly uncalled for.

Ashly knows that something happened last year. When the Byers' young boy disappeared. She knows he did just disappear. There's more to that story. Ever since the incident, Ashly feels odd when she's near any of the Byers' family, especially Will. Neither Nathan or Christopher will tell her what happen that week last year. She has little to no memory off it herself and she has put up quite the fight with her family to find out what happened to her. 

Christopher Castles, Ashly and Nathan's adoptive father, is friends with chief Hopper; this is another thing Ashly has noticed that started last year around the time of her illness. The connections aren't yet clear to her, but they are becoming less blurred. As of now, she knows a lot of it revolves around the Byers' family. Whenever she's around them, specifically Will, she's more agitated, a little more hostile. 

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