Chapter 2

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"Congratulations Taylor! I'm so happy for you!" One of my mothers friends told me.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

"Oh my gosh Taylor this is so exciting! Can I be your maid of honor?" One of my old school friends asked.

"Hmm I'll have to think about that!" I laughed tapping my chin in thought. It was our engagement party and I was busy greeting all the guests. We decided to have a small engagement with just our close friends and family.

"Taylor would you like some snails?" My aunt Sophia asked bringing me a plate of small sandwiches.

"Uh aunt Sophia that's sandwiches!" I chuckled, people often thought my aunt Sophia was mad, but she gets a bit woozy after having too much to drink and by drink I mean chocolate milkshake! She is the worst chocoholic I know!

"Really? I thought it was snails!" Aunt Sophia said in confusion. "I ate them in France and it was mainifique!" She said kissing her fingers.

"Yuck! How could you eat that?" I said scrunching my face disgust.

"I was with a guy-" she began but I cut her off, you do not want to know what happens next trust me!

"Bye aunt Sophia I'll catch you later." I waved and walked over to Ian.

"Hey Tay." Ian whispered putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Drew." I nodded my head and leaned against his shoulder. Gosh it's been ages since I called him that!

"Do you want something to eat?" He asked shoving some mini cupcakes in his mouth.

"You're disgusting! Yes I'd like some of those cupcakes." I chuckled grabbing some from the plate before he ate all. Seriously this cupcakes are the size of bottle tops!

"We have to make a wedding list." I mumbled before putting a cupcake in my mouth. What? It's super small! "Should we have a big wedding or a small wedding?"

"That's up to you babe, if you want a big wedding we will have a big wedding. If you want a small wedding we will have a small wedding. I don't care as long as I get to marry you!" He smiled at me, making my heart melt. "One minute I have to phone my cousin in DuskCreek to tell him I'm getting married!" He said holding up his finger and taking out his phone.

"Yeah you told me about him! Do you think he'll come?" I asked taking a sip of Ian's Pepsi.

"He better! I practically raised him!" He laughed dialling the number. "Hey munchkin, guess what? I'm getting married! Why are you swearing?"

"Tell him I said hi." I smiled at the nickname.

"What do you mean you don't have time to talk to me right now? Why are you panting?" He frowned, and I could hear shouts coming from the phone. "You getting chased by a tractor dressed as a green monster, and there's no one driving it? What the hell?" Ian said his eyes widening in horror. "Hello? Zach?"

"What the hell was happening there?" I asked curiously.

"I have no idea seriously!" He frowned putting his phone away. "Oh yeah! His school is having some sort of summer challenges, he told me the other day." Shame poor kids, they have to give up their summer for challenges, I'm so lucky my school didn't have that.

"Challenges? What kind of challenge chases you with a tractor dressed as a monster?" I asked bewildered, seriously who does that?

"Knowing Zach he is probably cursing every moment, I feel sorry for his partner." He chuckled taking his Pepsi back from me. Thief!

"Does he have anger issues?" I asked taking the Pepsi back from him. Sucker!

"I wouldn't exactly say anger issues more like bad boy syndrome, he acts like a bad boy, dresses like a bad boy and do you know how much times he almost got expelled? Twenty seven times! If his father didn't give funds to the school he would've been kicked out a long time ago! But he is one heck of a guy! He can make you laugh so much you will wish you never heard the joke." He chuckled taking his Pepsi back. Dude just go take another Pepsi! Or maybe I should do that.

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