"I know." [Chapter 11]

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"Clearly there's someone home

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"Clearly there's someone home. And I know that you're there because you just spoke to me. That wasn't a very smart move now was it!" You yelled back.

"Why are you here? It's almost to that point in the middle of the night. What was that called again?" A softer and much more tired sounding reply came back to you.


"Yeah, Yeah. That hour. Will you answer my question?"
"As long as you open the door."

Brian groaned. "Why does everyone want me to open the f*cking door!"

"What do you mean? I thought I was the only person to come- Oh wait. It happened. Didn't it..."

"Yeah, I got kicked outta the bloody band! Don't they realize they're nothing without me!" Brian yelled a little too loudly. Frank looked over at you and narrowed his eyes. He didn't like what was going on.

"Actually," You started, "The Stones DO go on for a very long time without you. They easily found a replacement for you."

"WHAT!? THEY DID! Don't they know that they can never replace me! I am one of a kind who deserves to have a little bit more respect! I- Wait. How do you know this information? Are you some sort of spy for the government? Do you watch over me all of the time and try to figure out all my little secrets? What are you? WHO are you really?" Brian sounded confused at first, and then turned a bit more angry.

"No. I'm just from the future," Your replied coolly.

"That's impossible!"

"It's not. Trust me, I thought it was impossible as well," After realizing Brian probably wasn't going to open the door for you, you sighed and said, "Listen, I kinda know what you're going through right now, after all I'm from the future. I suppose you can say I'm here to help you out from your mysterious and tragic death."

Brian remained silent for a good minute.


"Why!" He snapped. "Why bother visiting a broken soul such as I! There's nothing you want here! At least not anymore...

"I know It seems kinda hard to believe, but people actually LIKE you and DON'T want you to die!"

"How preposterous!" Brian mock exclaimed.

"Yeah it is! But guess what, it's actually true. You should see all the fans you have in the future, there's a lot of them! And if I don't at least try to protect you, bad things will happen!"

"What are you protecting me from, exactly?"

"From yourself. And possibly others," You shrugged. "I'm just here in the year of 1969 to protect you from dying at the unlucky age of 27!"

"I highly doubt that anything you're saying is true," Brian scoffed. "I am clearly not dying anytime soon!"

"Do you like white butterflies?" You asked.

"What does this have to do anything?"

"Because after you died, in honor of you, The Stones released thousands of white butterflies in the sky. And also your gravestone doesn't look too great, especially with what "kind" words your family gave to you."

The door then swung open. Brian was there, with a confused yet concerned look on his face. He was just staring at you blankly which was honestly really creepy.

"Why'd you open the door? I thought you didn't want to?" You stared back at Brian.

"I just wanted to know who I was talking to exactly. I was expecting someone more- more? I don't know, death-like?"

And you expect me to look like I'm death? How the heck is that possible?" You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down at yourself just to make sure you weren't wearing some sort of black cloak or had a scythe near you. You didn't, obviously, but better safe than looking like a grim reaper.

Brian shrugged. "I don't know, ghost lady."

You shot Brian a glare. "Don't call me ghost lady! My name is actually (Y/n), and I expect you to call me that."

"No last name?"

"Why should you care?"

Brian shrugged again. "My name is Jone Brians, and I expect for you to say 'goodbye' to me because I don't want some-some creepy ghost lady watching me-"


"Yeah, whatever your name is." Brian sighed. "Look, you aren't in charge of my life or my life choices ok? Just let me do whatever I want." He then started to close the door very slowly. He looked very tired and probably didn't catch much sleep over the past few days.

"Wait!" You attempted to stop him from shutting you out. "Please! Consider what I said! You do know what the consequences of your life choices will be, right?"

Brian halted, and slowly looked up at you. When you looked in his eyes, you could see that they were almost lifeless. And that scared you. What was left of him that you could save? "Yes, I fully know what my actions will bring me."

"Death. That's your consequence. Is that what you really want? Do you really want to die?" You questioned. "I'm going to tell you now, being a ghost isn't as fun as it looks. And there are some pretty messed up ghosts in the 27 club that you probably don't want to meet!"

Brian didn't respond.

"Look, Brian. You do know you're not going to make it past 27."

"Yeah. I know..."

"But guess what? We can change that."

A/n: Hey guys. Sorry this chapter took so long! I redid a lot of it multiple times over, and I don't even know what's going on in it anymore! XD Anyway, I added city aesthetic pictures to the took of each chapter to pretty things up. That wasted 2 hours of my life creating those. Hope y'all like them though! I think it's worth the work!

Chapters left: 16

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