Chapter 2

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You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing

Yuri has been spamming your phone since 5:30 in the morning,

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Yuri has been spamming your phone since 5:30 in the morning,

Usually, Yuri doesn't text you so its kind of interesting that she decided to text you today

You get ready for school, 

When you finally get to school the day goes by fairly quickly, 

You noticed that Yuri seemed to be a little uncomfortable at lunch today...

But you brushed it aside as nothing... Yuri always does this sort of thing once in a while

You remember Yuri's text from this morning and head toward your homeroom class,

Once you get there you notice All the girls that signed up for the Literature Club...

"Y/N!" Yuri shouts almost excitedly...

"A boy?" a girl with a smaller figure starts, "Monika why would you allow him to join the literature club?" She finishes rudely

"Well... I," Monika seems lost for words

"Oh... is he your boyfriend?" She teases 

"Natsuki! No! Of course not!" Monika scolds the girl, who is apparently named Natsuki

Natsuki just smiles slyly at this remark, while Monika stands in front of you with a deep red blush

"Welcome Y/N!" A cheery girl says walking towards you, "I'm Sayori! That's Natsuki, Yuri, and..." She whispers this next part to you, "I'm pretty sure you already know this, but..." She says the last part so everyone can hear, "That's Monika!"

"Sayori... I'm not his girlfriend," Monika says, hearing Sayori's loud whispers

"Okay, everyone! Welcome to the first Literature Club meeting!" Monika starts as we all sit down

You decide to sit next to Yuri as you know her the most

You notice Natsuki seems to be moving her chair closer to you slowly

"I want this club to be a place for us as friends to hang out and enjoy a common hobby... literature!" Monika continues

"Natsuki what are you doing?" You ask her quietly

"Wha... You baka! I'm just trying to get a better view!" Natsuki says harshly, her cheeks turning red from embarrassment

"A better view of what?" you question confusedly

Her expression immediately turns blank, but instead of pushing it further you decide to let it go 

As Monika continues speaking you notice Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri all catch peaks at you,

You begin to think you have something on your face so you rub your face, chin, neck and even hair to try to fix whatever they seem to be fascinated with, but nothing seems to be there...

Before you have any more time to ponder this thought, Monika dismisses the Club with a: "Remember to write a poem for tomorrow!" 

'Shit... you didn't hear her say that... ah whatever' You think as you gather your things to get ready to leave

"Y-Y/N?..." You hear a shy voice behind you say, you guess it's Yuri as she is the only shy one in the club

"Yes, Yuri?" You say looking into her beautiful violet eyes

"Umm," She seems to forget what she was going to say, your glare seems to make her uncomfortable as she is blushing

"C-Can we... maybe... walk home together?" She says fidgeting with her hands

"Of course Yuri!" Your conversation seems to catch the attention of Monika

"Aww... that's cute," Monika remarks 

"I'm sorry Monika, I just..." Yuri starts but notices Monika's glare

Yuri rushes out of the club room anxiously with you following close after

"What's wrong Yuri?" You start, "Nothing happened!" 

You see Yuri run down the stairs but don't see where she goes from there

Great... now you've lost her

But what's up with her and Monika...

A/N: yeah i didnt end it super crazy good, but it'll make sense next chapter! till' then! See ya!

Yuri's Afterimage (A DDLC Fan-Fic) (Yuri x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now