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Joeys POV
I can't believe I'm going to collage tomorrow I'm excited I wonder who my roommate is going to be my class mates and so much more!
*The next day*
I woke up ready to go I won't be that far from my house so I'm not worried about missing my parents. After our goodbyes I set out to Boston University.
*Time skip to the university*
I got there checked got my schedule and went to the little desk that had a sign "get your room key here" I walked over to the desk. "Name?" She asked "Joey Graceffa" I replied "ok room 420 roommate Daniel Preda" she said as she handed me my key. " Thank you I walked 4 flights of stairs up and to my room. I heard bustling inside. I guess my roommates here already. I walked in and right away with his eyes narrowed at me that we were not going to be friends........
I'll update often but short chapters


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