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I look at my phone confused.

Shane: Hey baby i miss you. Are you ready to finish what we started ;)

I look over at Daniel first his eyes flash a sense of hurt then with anger. "Daniel no I'm not cheating on you with Shane" i say.

"Then explain this text" he growled.

I heard a knock at the door. i quickly go over to open the door and there stood a obviously worried Shane. He opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by Daniel. "What are you dong here?" Daniel said looking like he could kill Shane.

Shane backed up a little. "Joey i meant to send that to Ryland not you sorry if i caused anything" he said referring to Daniel.

He gave me a quick hug and walked away me closing the door behind him. "See Daniel i told you i wasn't and i wouldn't i-i love you too much for that." Daniel expression changed immediately from anger to softness (if that makes sense) Daniel walked over to me. I put my arms around his neck and his on my waist as our lips collided. "I love you too Joey"


Well sorry it was short but i hope it gave you the fels at the end because it sure did to me.


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