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*the next day*
Joeys POV
I fluttered my eyes open as I slowly gain consciousness I heard someone in the phone.
"No Hope I can't go back my parents will be there and who know what they'll do to me........ you won't be able to convince me........ I was abused and hurt mentally to go back ok?!?!" *slam*
I hear his phone slam into a wall. Oh the poor boy has trust issues I guess I wasn't helping I really want to be friends with him he's been through so much.
I look down at my phone.
"I feel like it's easier to say to a stranger would you listen?"
I had no idea who this was I decided to help them.
"Yeah I'll help you"

"Ok so today I got a call from one of my old friends and they were asking me to come back home because my parents wanted to see me after they had kicked me out for being gay and hurting me for a while before letting me go"

"Omg I'm so sorry is there anything I can do?"

"No I guess not my phones all cracked too"

"I think we could get along I got to go bye"

After I sent that and he read it Daniel came out of the bathroom now that I think about it, it's so similar what had happened to Daniel and to this stranger what a coincidence.

Well I decided it's only going to be in joeys POV hope you enjoyed

-Melissa 💖

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