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*next day*
Joeys POV
Today was the last day before we start college I was so excited till I saw how sad Daniel looked I had no idea why that made me feel down but the guy on the mystery person dating app was making me feel better I thought it was weird what when I got a text message it looked like Daniel had sent one and when I would send one he would get a notification. I just brushed it off as he must be in a group chat so that's why. I was starting to develop a crush on my mystery guy. I wonder when we're going to meet up since we're not allowed to exchange numbers or send names/pictures on the app so I had no idea who this was. But I really liked him. In the dorm Daniel was gone today for some school shopping I did it before I came here o was here all day. Since I was alone I was looking at apps and I saw one call youtube I download and realized you make videos I had my iPhone camera and a shelf so I used that it worked really well my first video was called "18 forever" I wonder if people will actually subscribe.....

Ok I know this is going so slow but I'm hoping to have Janiel happen soon.


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