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I was officially twenty one. My best friend Jax Payne brought me to the club to celebrate, but he disappeared as we walked through the big metal doors.
I sat on the bar stool looking for my idiotic best friend.
I saw him in the middle of the dance floor grinding on a girl. Gross. I turned away.
The bartender came over. He was cute with shaggy brown hair that swayed over his brown eyes. I was acting like a total fan girl.
I ordered a Bloody Mary and went to a booth. I was sitting there for like ten minutes until a girl with her breasts almost falling out came over.
"H-hhhey I'm Jenny come dance?" The girl with bleached blond hair asked.
"I'm." I was cut off by a guys voice at the table.
"She's with me." The guy said. He looked at me. "Isn't that right babydoll?"
"Yeah." The girl left the table looking flushed.
"Thank you." I said to the hot mysterious guy.
"Your welcome. I'm Cole, and you are?" He said gesturing to me.
"I'm Alexa." I said my cheeks heating up.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said looking into my brown eyes.
My cheeks heated up a thousand times more as I looked down.
"Want to get out  of here?" Cole whispered into my ear as the music got louder.
This sexy stranger with green hypnotizing eyes and dark brown hair, grabbed my hand and we walked out of the club and went to a slick black camaro. Cole opened the passenger door and I stepped in.
The smell of clone was intoxicating. It wasn't a cheep brand either. As he got in the driver seat he smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.
The radio played as we drove. Cole pulled up to an expensive hotel. I've never been, but only the rich people can stay here.
I don't remember Cole getting out so when he opened my door and let the slightly warm air onto my skin I jumped.
He grabbed my hand and we walked inside. The guy at the front desk looked at me. We stopped there to get the key. The guy looked at my chest.
My black dress was small but it fit in all the right places it had a slit up the side. The slit stopped right below my panty line. The dress went mid thigh.
Cole snapped the guy out of looking at my body. He grabbed the key and we walked to the elevator. Cole pushed the tenth floor and we went up.
Cole pushed me against the wall and attacked my neck with kisses. They were sweet. He sucked and kissed more until the door opened in the tenth floor. We got off and walked to the hotel room.
The room was huge the bedroom was next to the kitchen and the living room. I was looking around before I knew what was happening I was pushed against the door.
Cole kissed me with so much passion. He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance.
When I didn't he squeezed my ass. I gasped and he took that as his chance.
"Jump." he whispered in my ear.
I jumped up and put my legs around his waist. He carried us to the bedroom and laid us down.
A few hours later
I was laying in the bed naked next to a naked Cole. I was so embarrassed. I got up and found all my clothes. I couldn't find my bra, but I just wanted to leave. I grabbed a paper and pen and wrote Cole a note.
Thank you for the amazing night. Im sorry but I needed to go. I hope I see you again someday in the future. I hope you won't regret it.

I ran out of the hotel room and to the elevator. I don't regret it I hope he didn't either. I got to the lobby and called a cab.
When I got home it was three A.M. I decided to go to bed. My dreams were filled with images of Cole.

Word count: 698
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