Slowly... (5)

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A month passed since you've meet Stephen ,and there's no deny you began to develop a small,dare I say,crush on the charming sorcerer.It blew up your mind to even think about it,after all,you never thought you'd feel anything for anyone again,even as small as it seems.
After retrieving your camera,you had no idea the two sorcerers looked through your photos,but honestly you pretty much forgot you even had a camera,completely abandoning the project. Now,you're peacefully sitting in one of his chairs,listening to Wong's lectures about the infinity stones and how powerful they all are,togheter or apart,as your eyelids grew heavier. It wasn't that you weren't interesed in what was the man talking about,but you couldn't wait to train with Strange in particular,waiting for his return from a mission.He said that there is some kind of perturbance in one of the dimensions,something above your knowledge,so you didn't even dare to ask yet.

"...-therefore,the time stone-"

"Hey Wong,can I wander a bit around? No offence but I'm dying to explore the mansion with more precision."

"I don't think it's wise,(y/n),Doctor Strange wouldn-"

Your eyes watered slightly,and your botton lip began to tremble,a little trick you've learnt some time ago while trying to rent your place.
The man softened suddenly,he hated to see women cry,it sure happened a lot with him...

"Alright,fine! But don't wander too far. And-"

You've basically jumped off your chair and flew around the place,carefully not to destroy or damage anything. You made your way to the three magical doors,the wave of exciment overwhelming you. Awaiting you were three different sceneries,opening the middle door,your butt was supported by the wooden frame while your legs dangled off. Your pale/tan face was meet with the salty and cold breeze of a sea,while beneath you lays a patch of land.

'I'm so gratefull that you've helped me to move on. Keeping me busy is indeed a wise thing.'

Spending some more time reflecting on your future,you remember there are a lot of other things to explore around and the thought gave you motivation to venture further.

Observing the surroundings with far more precision than you did the first night here,when you sneaked in 'accidentally',the doors seemed to multiply one by one giving you the impression that the building is far bigger from inside than it seems on the outside.
Fastening your pace through the halway,a certain door screamed for you to open it,the feeling of itchiness returned in your fingertips,and without even realizing,you pushed it open,blushing.

"How comes it wasn't locked?!"

The master bedroom,his bedroom precisely. Whoever entered his chamber couldn't deny that Stephen had a great taste when it came to home design,the mixed styles,Baroque and Victorian blended in togheter perfectly. Your feet dragged you around,nothing else sparked your interest than a couple of books he seems to read at the moment,a piece of furniture and what sat on top of it. There,almost as if it was put on display,was a beautiful golden watch unfortunately broken.
Your soft trembling hands picked it up,carefully examining it,only to find some words engraved onto the back,words that made your stomach turn and your heart shatter it's shell.

"Time will tell how much I love you, Christine. How sweet of her..."

You read the sentence aloud,saddened by the words Strange's wife or girlfriend has chosen. Why doesn't he talk about her? Maybe they split up...
It wasn't unusual honestly,when you give someone your heart and soul  they oftenly never return the favour,unless you've meet your soulmate. Dissapoiment awaits just around the corner.
Caught up in your own thoughts,staring intensely at the golden item,you've barely registered the voice that spoke to you.

"Having fun while I'm away?"

There,leaning onto the doorframe,was no other that the sorcerer.
Stephen spoke louder in order to make his presence known,he wasn't too pleased with you searching through his personal stuff,but he saw it coming as your curious nature betrays you. His expression changed to confusion,as he saw you holding the broken watch with glossy (e/c) eyes.

"Who's Christine?"

"Excuse me?"

"Is she your wife? What happened to her?"

You spoke nonchalantly,not even bothered by the fact that Stephen caught you looking through his  stuff.

"Now aren't we a bit too curious? No,she wasn't,far from it actually. We barely were lovers. I haven't seen her in a long time,we barely keep in touch anymore,if not at all."

He wasn't sure why he had to explain himself to you,from all of the people he felt that only you can understand his situation in a way nobody could, for that you're the closest person to him nowdays and Strange knows that.
It wasn't a long time ago he met you,it took less than a month for him to realize he enjoys your company more than his position would allow,after all,he's your teacher or as you rarely call him,master. He felt weird when you've said that,and asked you to stick with calling him Stephen.
After all,that's what friends do,and before being his apprentice he saw a good friend in you. But nowdays... his soul aches for more,even if it's too soon,his desire is overpowering,and his past as much as he hates to admit,doesn't affect him anymore. Not the same could be said about you...

"If I may ask...Why don't you talk to her or about her anymore?"

Stephen came closer to you,his gloved hand supporting your palm,while the other one lifted the watch from your open hand,placing it over your shoulder back to it's place. Your body was frozen as the height difference between you two was very noticeable,his chest almost hitting your nose while he put back the watch. Stephen remained at a close proximity,the air thin between your bodies,tension high.

"I'd like to say it's not one of your concerns,but something makes me vocal whenever you ask me for answers. Christine is no longer part of my life,yet I've kept her watch as a reminder of my past mistakes,perhaps,that too was a bad decision."

His hand hasn't left yours yet,instead his grip tightened slowly,your mouth instantly drying. Licking your lips,you dared to look him in the eyes.

"I truly understand. I too,find myself unable to part with things from the past,and it hurts me deeply,worse than it should."

In this moment everything seemed to move in slow motion,too caught up into the sorcerer's stare,both of you unable to move and waiting for one another to take the first step. Suddenly,a voice downstairs broke you from the trance,as you took a step backwards pulling your hand off his grip with almost too much force.
The sorcerer's gaze emptied suddenly,after he heard Wong's call from downstairs,he signaled for you to follow him.
Sitting at the base of the stairs,sat no other than master Hamir next to the chubby man,fresh cuts framing his face.
Your eyes widened after hearing the first sentence that left the elder's mouth.

"Mordo's coming child,sooner than you'd think."

Their eyes were fixed on you and only you.


Lazy chapter, sorr!I promise the next one will be better :)

Nova vie (Doctor Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now