Gray - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


            Wind whipped around Xaphan as he flew, the loud howling filling his ears. He glided lazily on the jet stream, only having to flap his clockwork wings every now and then. Sun light reflected off their shiny surface, with every beat a small flash sparked out in the blue sky. Each feather was like a dagger, sharp and solid, yet light and fluffy. Having the title of Angel of Inventions; Xaphan was handy with the art of metal work. After his most recent rebirth into the Human world, he had crafted himself almost half a body out of metal. The metal wings had come naturally.

            Xaphan flapped his wings again, disturbing the buildup of heat on the metal feathers. Letting out a slow sigh, he dipped one wing down, so it cut through the air at an angle. Leaning his body to the opposite side, he dipped his other wing down. Xaphan continued the simple actions switching back and forth on each wing until he was lazily weaving through the air. Passing through a cloud, Xaphan felt the sudden coolness of the water droplets against his heated skin. He closed his eye, and took in a breath full of humid air, allowing the cool feeling to enter his body.

            Sun hit him once more as he flew out of the cloud, now dripping wet. Shaking out his hair, Xaphan flapped his wings, drying him off and pushing himself higher into the air. After settling himself back into a rhythmic motion of weaving through the sky, Xaphan allowed his mind to wander. He began to sulk in the memories of his past, remembering everyone e had left behind at the Academy. No matter how far he wished them to go, the thoughts always seemed to find a way back into his head.

            The soft laughter of his sister is what first seeped into his mind. Bright, like the sound of wind chimes. She was his twin, but was his polar opposite as well. She always had her hair up in a fun style, and always felt as if she needed to look cute. She was confident while he was timid. Xaphan couldn’t help but to smile painfully, being away from his sister for so long had begun to hurt. His smile faded as his thoughts of Iofiel turned into thoughts of Sypher.

He could only imagine the tall dark haired Angel to be sitting behind his desk, scowling at papers, wearing the same black coat he hand been wearing for hundreds of years. That or yelling at some poor soul about stupid things.

“How many times am I going to see you two in my office?!” Sypher shouted at the twins, who in returned grinned sheepishly and hunched down. Xaphan stood against the door, his arms crossed and smirking, amused at the troublesome behavior of the boys. “And what are you smirking at Xaphan! You’re becoming a bad influence!”

Xaphan snorted at himself recalling the memory. Sypher did like raising his voice, one of the many things he was good at doing.

“Xaphan?” A shadow fell over Xaphan for a moment, causing a fog to settle over his thoughts. Xaphan looked over his shoulder to Demetri, who flew just to the right of him. Demetri’s purple eye connected with his own silver eyes and a flash of red crawled across Xaphan’s cheeks.

“What?” Xaphan looked away and focused on flying.

There was a slight chuckle from Demetri before he continued. “Is someone day dreaming?”


Another chuckle. “That’s a new one. The oh-so serious Xaphan Deltori daydreaming. I think the world might be ending.”

“Oh shut up!” Xaphan snapped in his British accent. He glanced back over his shoulder and smirked at Demetri.

The older Angel flew down and under Xaphan, twisting his body so he was gliding on his back. Reaching up, Demetri grabbed the front of Xaphan’s shirt an pulled him down, smashing his lips against the smaller Angel’s. Xaphan’s hands immediately went to Demetri’s chest, determining whether or not he really wanted the kiss. After a few moments Demetri pulled back on his own and broke away from Xaphan, leaving the poor Angel in a dazed state.

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