|03| Jealousy.

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We made small talk at the beginning of the drive. But finally got comfortable with each other. By the end of the ride, Drew and Jake had us cracking up from their corny jokes.

They were both amazing guys. I was really happy that they had saw us dancing and singing like fools, even if it was a little bit embarrassing. If they hadn't seen us, then we would've missed out in meeting two great guys.

The drive was only about 25 minutes long. Finally we pulled to a huge house,with teenagers everywhere. Apparently the host was quite popular.

As we stepped into the house the music nearly burst my eardrums. It was really loud and there were red solo cups everywhere. In the living room there were people grinding and making out everywhere you looked. Yup, this was definitely your typical high school party.

Drew had his hand on the small of my back, guiding me through the crowds and into the kitchen. In the middle there was a small makeshift bar set up with drinks.

He grabbed two beers, one for him and one for me. I smiled and gave him a small thank you.

I met a few of the other guys who had been in the car as well when we put on our little show. Everyone was laughing about it I was just blushing, a bit embarrassed.

"You look cute when you blush," Drew leaned down and whispered in my ear, winking in the process.

I turned even redder, if possible and looked down.

"Sorry, didn't mean to embarrass you. You're just super cute," he smiled tapping my nose.

I finished my beer and Drew went to get me a second one.

*Four beers later*

"Come on Drew. Let's go dance." I took his hand as the words slurred out of my mouth.

"Are you sure, you've been drinking a lot?" he asked concerned.

I started giggling uncontrollably at his face, it was just so cute.

"I'm fine," I finally managed out between giggles.

"Are you sure?" He asked still a bit of concern etched on his features.

"Positive," I smiled while grabbing his hand to help keep my balance.

We walked to the dance floor together. Well, he walked I stumbled. When we got to the middle, I slid my hands around his neck feeling the soft material of his forest green polo. He rested his hands on my hips as they swayed to the music.

"You are a great dancer," Drew whispered into my ear.

"Only when I'm drunk," I giggled.

We danced for what felt like forever and I swear I could feel a set of eyes on us. Oh well, must just be the alcohol.

*Michael's POV*

I was at some stupid party hosted by some guy from another school. I had some chick kissing my neck and trying to seduce me. Tracy was her name I think, or maybe Darcy, I'm not really sure.

I finally got her off of me and stood against the wall, my eyes scanning the dance floor. They suddenly landed on the girl who told me off earlier today. She looked stunning in that tight black dress, it showed off all of her curves.

She was dancing with some preppy looking kid in a green polo khakis and Sperrys.

Of course she was with someone like him. He's the kind of guy you take home to your parents. Definitely not me, tattoos and piercings are not usually a favorite with parents.

He said something and she replied and giggled. She was absolutely gorgeous. Too bad I'm not good enough for a girl like her. I lifted my beer up to my lips and took a long swig before looking around the room again.

I walked up to my group of friends/bandmates. They were with a bunch of girls and I sat down next to Calum. They all greeted me with a head nod 'hi' or 'hey'.

"Who's up for some beer pong?" exclaimed Ashton, who was most definitely drunk.

"I'm in," I answered shrugging.

My other threes mates got up, and we walked to a table with the game already set up. We played a round or two, maybe three, or was it four. I honestly could not remember.

The party just seemed to drag on. Eventually, I called a cab and went home around 2am.

As I lie in bed, getting under the covers, I thought about that girl. She was consuming my thoughts and I couldn't get her out of my head. I had a few girls come onto me, but I just pushed them away. Which was unusual for me, because I always bring a girl home.

She was just different. But, in a good kinda way.

Bad Boy, Good Lips || Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now