IX. (4) Games and Surprises

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Chapter 9

Shuu halted. "I will bite you if you keep tempting me like that. You already look irresistible enough, you lewd woman."

Guinevere raised a brow. "Did you not tell me to address you that way?"

"Not in this position," Shuu growled, voice slightly strained.

Guinevere felt his cool breath on her neck before he moved away from it, towards her shoulders. "But you can do whatever you please, Shuu-sama, so long as you do not endanger my life...for I belong to you for a whole day...But in reason, mind you—" she was cut off when she felt something warm and damp brush her shoulder.

Shuu retracted his tongue from her fair skin. "...that's why you're so troublesome," And with those last words, he sank his fangs into her shoulder.


Guinevere's iridescent eyes were the size of saucers as they darkened a shade under the moonlight. The stinging sensation had faded, yet not fully gone. The golden blond-haired male beneath her was satisfying his thirst, his fangs punctured into her smooth skin. Her fingers twitched, and she raised a hand up to place it lightly atop his head while the other lay limply beside her. In response, his hands tightened around her, the hand around her waist gripping the soft, slightly damp fabric of the towel.

"You—if this was a different circumstance, you would not be able to do this so freely." Guinevere's tone betrayed a hint of annoyance.

The quiet slurping noises stopped. "Heh, I know. That's why I'm savouring this delicious moment," said Shuu, his sapphire eyes glowing with lust as they glanced up at her. The small trickle of blood disappeared from his lips with a flick of his tongue. "If only you could show a little more expression to please your master..."

The black-haired woman smirked. "What do you insist I do, then Shuu-sama? Remove this towel?"

His amusement increased. "Though it's not a bad idea, we have plenty of time so hold your horse, you lewd woman."

Shifting, he bit above the valley of her breasts, just where the curves began. He smirked through her skin upon feeling her chest rise under his fangs as she inhaled shakily. No doubt she was trying to keep her rage and shock under control. He closed his half-lidded eyes, concentrating on the sweetness of the crimson liquid that seeped into his tongue and soothed his throat, satisfying his appetite.

After he had his fill, he detached his fangs from her skin and licked the bite marks, quickening the pace of healing. He then looked up and was met by narrowed eyes, slightly puffy cheeks, and irresistible furrowed brows.

He chuckled. "Your sulking face is far from frightening."

When only received an unwavering glare, he removed a hand from her back to place it at the back of her head. In one swift motion, he pushed her head forward and their lips touched. He felt her relax the slightest and deepened the kiss. His tongue reached out and traced her lip, searching for an opening.

Guinevere made a sound of disapproval as her eyebrows furrowed even further, the metallic taste of her own blood soaking in her tongue. She then felt an impatient pinch on her waist, and complying to what he desired, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slip through. Soon enough, her tongue joined the excitement, as she tipped her head forward to deepen the entwining of their tongues, catching him slightly off-guarded for a moment before she felt him smirk. As they kissed, she reached and twirled a strand of golden blond hair, pressing herself closer to him while her other hand gripped his shoulder. They then parted, both—surprisingly—slightly breathless.

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