XV. Just a Dream?

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A/n: I know this music might not match this chapter, but meh. It's soothing.

Chapter 15

A boy was crying behind the bushes. His hands tried to wipe away tears that poured down like waterfalls, as his quiet sobs were picked up by the wind. The forest stilled, and the birds that perched on the branches fell silent to watch him. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps caught their attention.

"The forest floor is no place for a lovely boy to be." A silky voice cut through the forest, the gentleness making the boy's unbeaten heat thump.

Shuu slowly looked up and was met with warm, silver eyes. Without wasting another second, the boy jumped on the female, wrapping his arms around her waist. Surprise was evident on her face before it was replaced by understanding. She hoisted him up and wrapped her arms round his petite body. She then rested a hand on his back, pressing slightly so that he leaned forward onto her, and positioned him so that her other arm supported the rest of his weight, tucked underneath his upper thighs. When his sobs continued, she moved the hand from his back to stroke his head in comfort. She ignored the damp feeling on her shoulder as the boy shifted, burying his head in the crook of her neck. The boy then balled his hands, gripping a chunk of her creamy beige fabric.

"He-he's gone!" Shuu managed to utter through his tears. "The puppy Edgar gave me...I-I promised him...I promised Edgar that I'll take care of it! Yet...!"

Guinevere closed her eyes, her assumptions correct. "Shuu, it is not your fault. Besides, the puppy is fine. I'll ask mother for permission soon."

"Permission?" Shuu echoed.

"Yes, I plan to keep him in your stead, and I am sure that mother will allow me. I am a convincing daughter, after all." Her last statement held a hint of smugness, which caused the boy to giggle. "...Unless that friend of yours, Edgar, wants it back. If that's the case, then it wouldn't be so right if I kept it."

She could feel Shuu shaking his head, his hair ticking her skin. "No, his parents are too busy to take care of the puppy. Edgar told me they were poor," he explained. "I think that's why he gave it to me. He believed...he believed that I'll be able to take care of it..."

Guinevere hummed in thought, stroking his hair once again. "How about we ask him ourselves?" she then said. "Is he available at this moment?"

"I think so!" At the mention of his friend, Shuu brightened. He began wriggling in her embrace, and taking the hint, Guinevere placed him down.

He immediately took her hand. "Follow me!" he beckoned, before dragging her deeper into the forest.


After a short moment, they reached the outskirts of the forest. They were currently standing on a cliff's edge, where a small village was evident below them.

Shuu pointed towards one of the houses in the village. "That's where Edgar lives."

"My, what a lovely village," Guinevere admired.

"Isn't it?" The boy was practically jumping with excitement. "Come on! Let's find Edgar!"

"And I was wondering who was calling my name..." The two turned to be met with a boy the same age as Shuu, his brown hair curling around his shoulders as half of it was tied up is a little side ponytail.

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