Chapter 2

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"Lottie!!" screamed my sister Fizzy running out of the house with pretty much anyone slightly related to me running behind her. I quickly got out of the car and ran into my crowd of family members. We all walked inside and they had a congrats cake sitting on the table with lots of balloons.

"How did you guys get ahold of all of this in just a few hours?" I asked laughing while sitting down at the table. 

"Well we had the stuff already but if you didnt't make it we were just going to take it all down." said my dad laughing. 

"Glad you were prepared." I said starting to cut the cake. We all ate cake, I got a lot of questions and congrats.  Though once things calmed down I went down to the basement to just have a breather. Though within two minutes I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Heyy Lotts." I heard Louis say as his head whipped around the stair railing. 

"Hey Louis." I said motioning for him to sit next to me on the couch. 

"So did my name come up?" he asked sort of whincing. 

"Louis made the connection as soon as I said Doncaster." I said sort of fake laughing.

"Okay so there's bound to be a bit of hype around it but so what? They'll say it they'll get over it. Then you'll go on and win." said Louis making much more simple of a situation that wasn't as simple as that. 

"Yeah hopefully." I said not seeming as confident. 

"Hey me and the guys are going out tonight. You can come if you want. As like a welcome to showbiz dinner." Louis said.

"Wow inviting me to hang out with the band. I guess I finally did something good enough!" I said sarcastically. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever. We're going at like 8. So be ready." Louis said as he left the basement.

I walked upstairs most of my exteneded family was leaving. I did the casual goodbye and thank you to everyone as they all congratulated me one more time. 

"So what do you want to do tonight to celebrate?" my mum asked as she shut the door.

"Actually Lou invited me out with him and the lads tonight to celebrate." I said knowing she'd be a bit dissapointed.

"Oh well that's great. Hope you have fun." she said somewhat sarcastically and walked upstairs. I rolled my eyes and went to my room. I put on a pink summery dress with white toms. Burshed my long blond hair out then walked down stairs. 

"It's 8:01 you're late. You can't come." said Louis with his best "serious face" on.

"Louis it's 7:50." I said laughing at his fail at telling time.

"I knew that I was testing you." he said laughing as he grabbed his keys and we walked out the door. We drove up to a little resturant about 20 minutes away. The boys were driving from London then staying at our house tonight. I would consider myself friends with the boys. I mean I'd known them for almost 2 years now. I would say if I had to pick one that I was closest to it would be Niall just because when he talked to me he didnt act like he was talking to a kid. I mean I'm only 2 years younger than them and sometimes I feel like they think I'm 5. 

We got to the resturant and walked in to see the boys already there with a table and everything. This resturant always has a wait but not for One Direction of course...

"Lottie Tomlinson come on down!" screamed Niall in his X factor man voice as we walked towards them. I sat down next to Louis and Harry and across from Niall. 

"You're gonna have to get used to hearing that now I guess! Except the real dude and not Niall" said Harry in an excited tone while  shrugging my shoulders. The boys all laughed.

"But seriously congrats." said Zayn putting out his fist for a fist puond. I returned it.

"Thanks guys." I said picking up the menu.

"So did you talk about Louis at all in your audtion?" asked Liam from the other side of the table.

"Well yeah but it's not like I brought it up. Louis Walsh made the connection when I said Tomlinson and Doncaster. I think he would have figured it out even if I just said Doncaster I mean there aren't a lot of singers in Doncaster so we're probably all related." I said chuckling to myself. 

"I gotcha. So what song did you sing?" asked Niall eagerly.

"Bubbly." I said a bit rudely for the simple fact that I'd answered this question 100 times today.

"Guys I'd lay off with the questions. My entire family was at the house drilling her today and we all know how annoying that is. " Louis said laughing putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Ooops. Sorry. Trust me I know how annoying that is." said Niall smiling at me. I smiled back. For some reason Niall is the only person who looks really attractive with braces.

Dinner went on with the usual banter between the boys. The occasional cross of a line and full of laughs. When we were done we began to walk out when suddenly a man with a manager tag on his shirt came up to us.

"I'm really sorry guys but someone blabbed and there are a lot of paps and a good amount of fans ready to pounce outside of the front door." said the manager who didn't realize that this happens almost everywhere they go.

"That's fine. Can we just go out the kitchen?" asked Liam.

"Of course. This way." He led us to the kitchen and to the door it's a good thing our cars were parked back there anyway. As we began to walk out we realized that there were jsut as many paps and fans in the back as well. All the sudden I felt very claustrophobic. And when I feel like that I just stop and don't move. I stood there still until I felt Harry and Louis come around me and grab my waist to drag me along to the car. I ended up just getting in the back seat of Harry's car where Niall was in the front. So I figured Zayn and Liam had ended up in my brothers car. 

"That is not fun." I said as Harry finally got the car moving. 

"Tell me about it." Niall said sinking into his seat.

"Ohh you guys are a bunch of wussys." said Harry who clearly got some sort of sick rush out of being attacked by 100 people. 

"No you're just a nut job." said Niall.

"Agreed." I said getting my phone out of my purse. 

"Hey Lottie you're gonna have to get used to it more if you do well on Xfactor. Me and Lou can't protect you everytime girlfriend." said Harry laughing.

"Well you should. You do it for Niall." I said just trying to give Niall a hard time.

"Excuse me today Liam and Zayn helped me out." Niall said defensively.

"Woah big difference." I laughed. 

When we got home I went straight to bed. I'd had enough of those boys and a very long day. I put on my pajamas and looked at my calendar. I circled the start of bootcamp day. It was exactly 36 days away. 

I was nervous but excited.

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