A Tommo on X Factor..again?

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This is my first fanfic so give me as many suggestions as you want. Tell me what sucks, what you like or what you'd like to see more of. But really if a part sucks tell me I wont be offended!

This has no affliation with the real Lottie Tomlinson or 1D or any other charecter that happens to be real person. 

I walked into the giant Manchester auditorium and looked around to see the hundreds of others around me in line to get thier number. It was only two years ago that I was here last..


"Stan, Louis, Hannah get together for a picture!" said my mum, Jay, taking her about 20th picture of the day and we weren't even inside yet. 

"Mum my cheeks are starting to hurt, and I need to sing later." said my brother, Loius, he was auditioning for X factor today in about 2 hours and boy was he nervous.  

"Look we get to go inside!" said my barely 6 year old sister Daisy, as she pointed towards the man waving us inside. There they asked to take Louis for his "pre-auditions" to see if he was good or bad enough to go in front of the judges. Louis smiled nervously gave all of us a quick hug. He then picked up my sister Phoebe,the twin sister of Daisy,

 "Wish me luck Pheebs." he said, and walked away.


"I am so nervous." I said to my mum, as i stuck me number onto my pink dress.

"You'll be great Lottie. You already made it past the pre-audtions, just calm yourself." my mum said as she fixed my hair.

I heard her phone buzz.

"Its's Lou." she said excitingly. "He said congrats on the pre-auditions, and good luck with judges, and everyone is nervously waiting in the living room for the call. Oh thats funny." she laughed. 

"Hysterical." I said sarcasticlly. In reality all it did was give me more pressure.

"Here let's send them a picture of you with your number on." she said pointing her phone at me. "You know I still don't know why at least your siblings couldn't come to support you? I mean I think Louis would be big help."

"Mum I told you this I need to do this on my own without the help from Louis. I just want to prove to everyone that I'm more than Louis Tomlinsons sister you know?" I said to my mum for probably the 20th time yet she still didn't understand why I didn't just bring Louis and get an automatic yes. Though as nice as that would be I knew I needed to do this on my own.

"Number 213970." the announcer said. I all the sudden looked around and realized that was me. I gave my  mom a hug and walked onto the stage. 

"Hello." I said in a shaky voice as I walked on stage. 

"Hello. What is your name?" asked Gary.

"I'm Lottie Tomlison." I said praying they didnt make the connection.

"And where are you from Lottie?" asked Louis Walsh.

"I'm from Doncaster." I said quietly still hopin no connection was made.

"Any relation to Louis Tomlinson?" asked Louis eagerly. I whinced. 

"Yes actually he's my brother." I said reluctanly but I wasn't about to lie.

"No kidding! Is he here?" asked Tulisa.

"No he's at home but he supports me." I said trying to move this along.

"Wow well let's here it Louis' little sister." said Tulisa kiddingly but still very annoying.

"What will you be singing Lottie" asked Kelly. 

"Bubbly by Colbie Caillat." I said and sthe music came on and i started singing.

I could feel myself shaking but at the same time when I was finished I felt good with my performance. I stood there waiting for the judges commentary. 

"Well you definently have Louis' genes. I think your voice is great. It's a yes from me." said Gary smiling.

"I agree, completly. You are fantastic!" said Kelly. "Definete yes."

"Yes from me and I would love to see you and your brother sing together!" said Tulisa the crowd cheered. I smiled but tried to ignore the comment.

"Congrats you have 4 yes'" said Louis. I screamed, thanked them and ran off stage. I hugged my mom so tightly.

"I made it!" I screamed as let go of my mum. 

"i know you did so great!" my mum screeched.

"Let's call Louis and everyone!" I said as we walked away from the stage. Because as much as I didnt want him at the audition I still was very excited to tell him and wanted him to be proud of me.

"Okay I'm doing it right now." Mum said as she typed the number on the phone. She put it on loudspeaker.

"Hello?" I heard Louis' voice from the other end of the phone.

"Put it on loudspeaker Lou." said my mum.

"Okay. So how did it go?" asked my now 8 year old sister Daisy.

"I MADE IT!" I screamed into the phone. All you could hear was screams from the other side.

"Great job Lottie!" said Lou over everyone elses congrats.

"Thank you guys so much! Can't wait to get home and celebrate with you guys tonight!" I said into the phone. I all the sudden saw a camera a foot away from my face. The phone was on speaker so the y got the whole conversation. I was not sure how I felt about that. So I quickly said bye and hung up the phone.

I guess the cameras were something I was going to need to get used to..

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