Chapter 2

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Erika's POV

I got up early to make breakfast for everyone. I started to mix the eggs and put the bacon on the stove.

I got the strawberries and blueberries out for little snacks for between breakfast.

Since it was a Monday I get to pack their bags today well since I was home now I always get to pack their bags.

I packed their lunch and set their bags on their chairs.

Once I put the plates out I went up stairs to get them all up and ready for today.

I got Rachel's outfit ready for her and James's outfit. Then I went into mine and Niall's room.

"Come on get up before I have to drag you down the stairs." I said climbing on top of him and started to shake him awake.

"Mmmmmmmhmm." Niall mumbled. Ok he wants to get dragged.

I got up and grabbed his feet and started to pull and I pulled him off the bed with a big bang.

"Ow I'm up." He said with wide eyes. "Good you need to get ready cause you are recording today and I have breakfast waiting downstairs." I smiled.

He got up and showered while I got James and Rachel and took them downstairs.

They got in their chairs and started eating. I sat down next to them.

Then Niall came downstairs and sat next to me. "You guys ready to go back to school?" He asked Rachel and James.

"Yes" They said together.

After we were done eating Niall said goodbye and headed off to work and I took the kids to school.

"Mummy can you walk us to our class?" Rachel asked. "Anything for my angels." I said smiling.

When we got to the school I walked them to their class room.

"Hey you guys made it." Their teacher said. "Run along you two and get some paper and crayons. "

"How's it going I'm Jenna Goldberg." She said. "I'm Erika Horan." I said.

"It's nice to meet you and I hear that you have cancer and I hope that you will beat cancer." She said.

"Thanks oh I have to go but I will be back to pick them up." I said and walked away after saying see you later.

I never say goodbye because goodbye means not seeing them again and see you later means that you will see them again sometime.

As I pulled into the drive way I just sat in m car thinking of what to do today.

I decided to clean and organize everything. I started off with taking care of the dishes.

-2 hours later-

I was done cleaning everything and there was nothing to do so I just sat down to watch some Telly.

I looked at the time and its about ten minutes before 12. I should go and pick them up.

The only reason they get picked up at noon is because they are in pre-k and they are the morning kids.

I got there and walked into the office where they were waiting for me.

I walked up to them and picked them up and put them in the car.

When we got home Niall was making lunch.

We ate lunch and I went upstairs cause I have a really bad headache.

Once my head hit the pillow I was out.


Hey everyone sorry if it was short I didn't have a lot of time today

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