Quotes about Angels

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"Beside each believer stands an Angel as protector and shepherd, leading him to life."- Saint Basil

"I could not have made it this far had there not been angels along the way."- Della Reese

"Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you."- Saint Francis de Sales

  We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. "- Luciano De Crescenzo

" I saw them with my bodily eyes as clearly as I see you. And when they departed, I used to weep and wish they would take me with them. "- Joan of Arc

"The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us."- Jean Paul

"Believers, look up - take courage. The angels are nearer than you think."- Billy Graham

"Philosophy will clip an angel's wings."- John Keats

"A man does not have to be an angel in order to be saint."- Albert Schweitzer

"In heaven an angel is nobody in particular."- George Bernard Shaw

"Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly."- Gilbert K. Chesterton

"All God's angels come to us disguised."- James Russell Lowell

"The soul at its highest is found like God, but an angel gives a closer idea of him. That is all an angel is: an idea of God."- Meister Eckhart

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."- Michelangelo

"Music is well said to be the speech of angels."- Thomas Carlyle

"Never travel faster than your guardian angel can fly."- Mother Teresa

"I saw the tracks of angels in the earth: the beauty of heaven walking by itself on the world."- Petrarch

"So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame, Angels affect us often."- John Donne

"Angels appear in many different forms to hold your hand through the difficult times."- Doreen Virtue

"They're called 'angels' because they're in heaven until the reviews come out."- Barbra Streisand

"Peace is the first thing the angels sang."- John Keble

"I guess I have never really doubted that we are all born to our guardian angel."- Robert Breault

"Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings."- Frances Goodrich

"Angels represent God's personal care for each one of us."- Andrew Greeley

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