Its Supposed to be all about me

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I'm a senior in college. I told myself on New Years Eve that this year would be all about me. My growth.
My education.
My health.

Hence why I broke up with Zay on New Year's Day.

The plan is, graduate this upcoming December, have no outstanding debts and at least a good credit score.

Once I graduate, I'll hand my parents my diploma. They'll be happy and I can go on and pursue the entrepreneurial world, with all of its complications, risks and excitement.

It's my freedom ticket.

Once I get that diploma to my parents I can finically leave North Carolina.

Don't get me wrong. North Carolina is still great. I'll always have love for the place where I was born and raised. I just, need to get out.

Big fish, little pond. And I really want to swim.

I feel like I've been here so long. Everyone knows everyone. This place is ideal to have a family but not a place to grow as a person much less as an entrepreneur.

North Carolina lacks resources and opportunities for graduates. Which is actually funny, considering we are a college state.

I'm moving to Texas or California. Soon. I should be focused on my finances, my health and this degree. Nothing else.

December is creeping up on me. I need to be ready

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