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Pain shot through Tom from his stomach. Tom sat up and wrapped his arms around his stomach. "Good, you're awake. Now can you answer a few questions for me." The blurred male said it more as a command than a question. "Depends what they are," Tom growled. He's been in this cage, alone, for probably over a week. He could only talk to Tomi, but he's currently sleeping. "How do you have the monster features? Red leader, before he left, has been working on a serum for it and been creating little children to possess them. But how do you have it?" A male with black hair with red tips stood before Tom. That's all he could make out of this person. "I don't know," Tom growled lowly. "You shouldn't lie to me, I have permission to hurt you more." The male snarled. "I DONT KNOW" Tom screamed up at the other male. "What I do know is that I have a new found voice in my head..." Tom muttered, hoping for the unknown male to not hear. "Really?" damn he has good hearing. "Do you know the voices name?" "Tomi..." Tom growled. "No..." Tom raised an eyebrow. "What?" Tom asked, suspicion growing. "Charlie! We need to talk to Red Leader now!" "Alright!" presumingly Charlie yelled back. "Bye Thomas, til next time."The un-named male waved, walking out the cell. "What the fuck..." Tom muttered.

knock knock

"Come in!" Tord yelled from his desk. A black with red highlights haired male walked in with a curly blonde haired male and which wore glasses. "Charlie and Cody. What do you want?" Tord growled, raising an eyebrow. "Cody thinks he found 'it'." Charlie pushed up his glasses. "Yes, Red Leader, sir. I think the missing experiment 875 has possed Thomas." Cody stated with nervousness coating his words. "Proof?" Tord rested his cheek on his human hand. "Thomas answered saying his new founded voice in his head is called Tomi." Tords eyes widen. "Immediately found out a way to get Tomi to un-possess Thomas!" Tord yelled to his soldiers. The two nodded and ran out the room. 

Tomi, why did you pick Thomas? This wouldn't have happened... Tord thought, resting his head on his desk. Now my bluebird is going to be hurt, very badly... 

Tom was dragged around by the same two soldiers; Charlie and Cody, down the halls. Cuffs still bounded to his wrist, ankles, and neck. A chain from the cuff around his neck dragged him through the halls of the base. Tom was dragged into a white room. Charlie pushed him to the table in the middle. "Lay down. We are just trying to help." Charlie said softly to Tom. Tom nodded, crawling onto the table and laying back down. 

Charlie walked over to Cody. "Where are the scientist?" Charlie asked. "On break" Cody shrugged. Charlie sighed walking over to the dining hall. "Scientist from room quarter 3! Get your asses back to work now!" Charlie yelled out into the dining hall. He turned around, Cody leaned against the wall. "How did you get there?" Charlie asked. "I didn't think you could do that, so I thought I would come along. Oh, I was wrong." A few laughs escaped Cody. "Let's just get back," Charlie grumbled, walking back to the room they left a monster alone in.

Tom lay on the table, waiting patiently. Scientist bust through the door, scattering around the room. "Whats going on?" Tom asked. The blonde with glasses; Charlie. Walked over to Tom. "We are going to help you. Tomi is a... well an experiment Red Leader.. lost. We need to find out how to get him to un-possess you." Charlie explained, pushing his glasses up a bit.  Tom nodded. "But Tomi isn't awake. Anyway, wouldn't he know how to?" Tom asked, tilting his head. "If he remembered, he would've left your body by now." "Also could you wake up Tomi? We would like to ask him a few things..." Cody walked over. "Sure..?" Tom relaxed on the table, closing his eyes. 

Tomi? Tomi! Wake up!!

No response.


Huh? Thomas? Why did you wake me?

Because some people want to talk to you. Well, ask you a few things. 

Oh, Oki doki! No problem. Just let me take control? This time it won't be forced...



Toms arms transferred into purple claws up to his elbows. Two horns peeped through his hairline. Toms black void like eyes turned into one and a purple tail whipped out from behind. All the scientists in the room gasped. Childish giggles escaped the now half-human monster. Tomi sat up, on the white table, still giggling. "Tomi?" Charlie asked. The giggles stopped. "Charlie?" Tomi asked, turning his gaze to the blonde. "Tomi!" Charlie chirped, running and hugging the half-human monster. A growl escaped Cody. "Charlie, Thomas said you wanted to ask a few questions?" Tomi pulled away from the hug, seeing Cody behind, Tomi smirked. "And you still with Cody?" Pink dusted Charlie's cheeks. "Yes, we are still together! But why haven't you parted with Thomas here?" Cody growled. "I forgot how to un-possess a human..." Tomi admitted, placing a claw on his neck. "Of course you did..." Cody muttered, crossing his arms. 

"WHERE DID RED LEADER PLACE THE FILES ON EXPERIMENT 875!!" A female scientist yelled in frustration. "Maybe in his office? or file room?" Another female scientist suggested.   "Okay... ill go to Red Leader and you go to the file room." The first female scientist said. 

"Red Leader! Where are experiment 875 files!" The female scientist barged into the office, yelling. She didn't care, after all, Red Leader did tell them to work on him. "WHO THE HELL- Oh Maria... You scared the shit out of me." Tord shouted. "Sorry sir, but do you have the files?" Maria asked. Tord gets out of his chair and rummages through one of the file cabinets draws. "Here, now never do that again or you will never see a tomorrow," Tord growled. Maria nodded and rushed out the office and back to Tomi. Little did Maria know, Tord followed her. 

"MIMI I HAVE THE FILES!" Maria shouted into the white room. Mimi had come back from the file room with no luck finding the file. "YAY!" Mimi chirped. The two females got to work. Tord walked into the room, he noticed Toms half monster form growling as he walked in. "Is this Tomi?" Tord asked. Charlie nodded, a happy, happy smile on his face. "Everyone out!" Tord commanded. 

"Tomi, why did you leave?" Tord asked once everyone left the room. Tomi just growled. "You lied to me," Tomi stated. "Oh, he did not!" Tord sighed. "He did, didn't he?" Tomi nodded. "He lies! He just wants everyone dead in the world! Please, Tomi, forgive me?" Tord looked up at Tomi. "Fine Tordy, I missed you too." Tomi hugged Tord. 


Im sorry...   

New Life ~sequel to Tords Return~ •{completed}•Where stories live. Discover now