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He sits in his living room and plays some stupid mobile games

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He sits in his living room and plays some stupid mobile games. 'I am so bored' he groans out loud.

He shuts his mobile down and lays it on the small table in front of him. It makes a loud cracking noise so in a second he grabs his mobile again to check if the display is cracked.

Luckily it isn't. He sighs and stands up to walk lazily in the kitchen. Since he moved out of his parent's house he is bored all the time. He'sattending university and lives alone in a little apartment nearby campus. He hasn't got many friends around here so most of the time he visits his family on weekends. He misses his siblings a lot. When they are together they would play games or just sit together and talk.

Sighing he opens the fridge which contains a lot of junk food. It's pretty surprising to him that he isn't fat by now. He eats a lot of bullshit and he knows it by himself that it isn't healthy. But he can't help it to order food on a daily basis. He can't cook for god's sake.

He wishes to have a girlfriend that would cook for him whenever he's hungry. But because he's a loner it's not that easy to make friends or girlfriends. Sometimes when he drives home to his parent's house he pretends that he misses his family, which he does obviously. But somedays he just wants some homemade dinner. He believes that no one realized it so far, but knowing his mom she probably saw through this act by now.

With his view directed in his fridge, he decides to eat some cold pizza from yesterday. The pizza deliveryman already knows him better than anyone else. He knows his favorite toppings and sometimes Taehyungwould even invite him in and chats with him for a while. It's a nice distraction and the deliveryman doesn't really care if he gets fired or not. He hates his job.

Nonchalantly he grabs a slice and bites from it. The taste from tomato spread across his tongue and he lets out a small moan. Finally he gets some food, his stomach is more than grateful. He knows it's cold but he doesn't care, pizza is pizza, delicious cold and warm.

He shuts the fridge closed and suddenly a flyer falls down.

'Huh?' he wonders out loud what it is He turns the paper around and reads the caption.

'Ah, it's for the flea market today. Maybe I should go?' he asks himself out loud and roses his eyebrows, thinking hard. On one hand, it's just a place where people sell their children's toys, but it's from his university, so maybe the people will sell cooler things.

But he's afraid, people always stare at him. Especially because he talks with himself. What shall the others think when he's having a debate with himself if he should buy something or not? Since he's living he does that often. It's not just the people from university but also when he's grocery shopping. Sometimes when he really can't help it he takes out his luckily still complete mobile and pretends to talk to someone.

He sighs and decides he really should go out. Maybe he will make a friend and he can finally skip these talking bullshit people bully him for.

A few hours later

It's5 pm and he discovers all those different things people sell. A classmate he recognizes has a huge table with many antiquities. He is really interested in those rusty vases and so on. He's also surprised this guy even has those things. He always seemed like this jock type of guy who only cares about partying, sports and girls.

While his eyes ever piece one vase catches his eye. It's golden with some blue stones and it reminds him of the Disney movie 'Aladin'. He doesn't have to think twice if he should buy it or not, he wants that vase.

'Hey how much do you want for that?' he asks the tall boy in front of him.

'Ah hey, Taehyung, right?. Ugh. It's some old trash from my grandpa and I don't know if it's valuable. Give me 7 dollars. That's enough.' He answers and throws a celebrity-like smile to Taehyung.

Taehyungis surprised this well-known guy even knows his name but he's glad he doesn't have to explain to him, that they share like 3 classes together without him not recognizing him. He hands him the money and puts the vase in his bag. He's not surprised that these are antiquities from his grandmother and not from him himself. But nevertheless he thanks the guy and leaves.

He's so happy and glad that he had visited the flea market. He hurries at home to decorate the apartment with the vase. Other people would think it's just some ugly trash but for him, every piece that catches his eye is special to him. That's also the main reason he's majoring in history and art.

His dream is to guide people through art museums and tell them about the history behind every artwork. He believes that those things have their own story and he likes to imagine what those stories are.

On his way back home, he thinks about where he wants to put the vase but he comes to the conclusion that he should clean the vase first. It has a lot of layers of dusk on it.

At home

He stands in front of his bathtub and fills it with water and soap.

He searches for the Aladin vase in his backpack and pushes it under the water. After several minutes the dusk and dirt are removed andTaehyung dries the vase with a towel.

He rubs over it while he eyes it. Now it's bright gold and shiny. His fingertips run over the soft, and smooth material. He really admires it. He always saw those kinds of vases in movies or historical books. But having such a magnificently object in his hand fills his heart with joy.

Suddenly he hears a quiet noise. He wonders where it comes from. He let the vase behind him and walks through his apartment. 'Is there someone?' he shouts. He shivers and gets goosebumps. Taehyung is really afraid of robbers. When he was a kid someone broke into his family's house. Since then he always panics when he hears noises he doesn't know the source of. Just imagine if someone tries to steal his money or his new vase?

'Ugh. It's foggy here' a foreign voice said. Scared Taehyung turns around. The voice definitely came out of the bathroom. That's for sure.

With sweat on his palms, he reaches out for the door handle. The door cracks while he opens it. The moment the door is open Taehyungs mouth falls open. His eyes are wide.

'Who the fuck are you?' he shouts and jumps back. He grabs the nearest object he finds, which is a brush and points it in the person's direction.

'I am Jungkook a genie. I am here to fulfill you three wishes. But choose wisely'

 But choose wisely'

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