Chapter 1

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This is based off of an Instagram post I made a while back, which was based off of a writing prompt (I am unoriginal). Enjoy!

Patton's POV

        I broke the surface of the water, heaving and gasping for air. The salt burned my eyes, making them impossible to open; it wouldn't have done any good anyway. The dark storm clouds that stretched as far as the eye could see blotted out the moon and the stars, only to be illuminated by the occasional strike of lightning. The wind shrieked past my ear, the storm rumbled and shook me to my very core, and the ice-cold waves exploded all around me, pushing and pulling me under over and over.
        "Logan!" I screamed. Again, I was forced down, taking in a lungful of water. I fought towards the surface, just to be hit by another wave. Swimming at an agonizing pace, I finally resurfaced and coughed out the salty water.
         "Logan!" I weakly choked out. "Roman! Virgil! Anybody! Help-" I took in another breath of water as a wave the size of a house made impact. I tried to fight, but wave after wave pummeled me; I couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down. I was exhausted, and my lungs burned as if they were on fire. My attempts at swimming became more and more feeble, until they ceased altogether. The last conscious thought that flitted through my mind was, I hope they are safe.

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