Chapter 1

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Flashback -The Crash

Anastasia , Becca and Annabelle were all singing to Taylor swift's new song "Bad Blood " while sitting in the car laughing .Eddie had his headphones on listening to loud music .
  Their mum and dad sat at the front of the car talking about the week ahead talking  out their birthdays and what to get everyone .
Anastasia looked out of the window and watched as the cars went past . She had stopped singing and was now humming the song . She laughed as Becca pulled a face at the now asleep Eddie .She smiled at Annabelle who had also stopped singing and was lead with her head lead against  the window . "Watch it Belle , your travel sickness will kick in "She said laughing . She moved her body so she could see belle better . Her eyes widened as she saw a car swinging in and out of other cars . Anastasia screamed as she saw the car headlights coming straight for the car .
"Go faster , we're gonna get hit "she shouted at her dad who was driving
"I love you all "She says before the other car hits theirs
She closed her eyes as she heard screams coming from her sisters .....then silence .
  She opens her eyes and felt a pain in her  her head, it  hurt like hell , she tried to move her arm but felt a jolt of pain run through it . She looked down at it and saw her bone ,she gasped and swallowed.  Feeling light headed she  looked around blood everywhere  and saw her sisters covered in blood. She moved over to them trying not to move her arm as much , they were DEAD she knew it .She could tell . They weren't breathing ,  a tear dripped from her eye "No no no Anna , Becca please "She screamed shaking them both, the tears just kept coming " PLEASE, ".
   She looked at her mum

"Mum?....Dad?..."She whispered

"What happened ?Where are we ?"

Rose , her mum asks rubbing her head which had a scratch on her obviously broken arm and leg her whole left side looked broken . The car had smashed through the car .

"I think we got in a crash , Are you okay ? "Rob asks , her dad , He had a few cuts on his face and a big bruse across his cheek . He looked at Rose and gasped
"Are you okay "He said raising his voice "We have to get out it's gonna blow up or something , petrol and stuff blows up "He says trying to undo his seat belt . It was Jammed .

    "Daddy ?mummy?.............Anna and Becca are not waking up and there is blood everywhere , I think they are gone .To heaven now  "Anastasia Cry's   "Oh please don't be gone , I need you" She begs hugging their lifeless body's.
She lets go of Becca the closest to her  and gets her bag . She sighs and diles
"Hello what's your emergency ? And what services will you be acquiring?"The woman on the other line says

"Er ambulance , police I think and maybe a fire engine .....there's been a car crash "Anastasia says

   A while later the firemen   and ambulance arrive they get them all out of the car it took two hours to get everyone out the car it was that damaged . Anastasia was the first one to get out her tear stained face and blood red cloths making it look like a horror film. She sat and watched as they pulled the rest of her family out of the car . When they pull Annabelle and Rebecca she breaks down crying and screaming . The paramedics put them both into a body bag and put them into a truck.   Eddie her younger brother gets put in and ambulance and rushed to hospital . Her mum crying as they gently try to get her out of the car ,she screams in agony as they staple her onto a stretcher and put her in the ambulance . When it comes to her dad's turn she can't watch she gets taken in a paramedics car to the hospital .

Annabelle and Rebecca were both pronounced dead . Anastasia got taken to a hospital ward away from her parents and is made to stay there a couple of days after the accident she found out that they had died all on the way to hospital her baby brother  died of blood loss after his the car windows had smashed and gone in his head .
And the her two sisters had died of  impact and shock after  the car had hit them directly from the side of the car. She was the only child to survive .
She just sat there and brought her knees to her chest and cried and cried. Her grandmother had come to the hospital and took her home.
Anastasia didn't stop crying, she had just lost her sister's her other half's and her brother.
Anastasia locked herself in her room and stopped eating and just grew depressed.

Author's note

Quite short i know , don't worry the chapters get longer as you get further into the book.

Make sure the vote , comment and share. The more votes and comments i get the more i feel like people actually want too read my book.

I may update you all sooner than you think..............keep a look out.

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