Chapter 2

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Anastasia walked down the hallway , and into Annabelle's room a tear dripping from her eye . She missed her sister so much
why someone so drunk decided to drive they knew what they were doing why would they do it ?
She thought to herself she picked up a photo of them and smiled it was their 14th birthday , they were all recreating the High school musical pose the one where they all jump .She laughed at the memory of it it was only 2 years ago but it felt like it was yesterday . She packed up all of Annabelle's stuff and put it in the truck , she was gonna keep it all . She had decided on the idea of keeping it she couldn't let go just yet . She was to upset and angry for this to be a goodbye , that's why she was waiting and bringing all of Rebecca and Annabelle's stuff with her to California . She loaded all of their stuff on to the moving truck .She sighed and watched it leave she wouldn't be seeing that for a whole week . She turned around and headed back to her room , she wiped the tears from her face and layed down on her bed .
She closed her eyes her eyelids getting heavier she yarnd and shut her eyes . And fell asleep Anastasia walked down the hallway , and into Annabelle's and Becca's room a tear dripping from her eye . She missed her sister so much
why someone so drunk decided to drive they knew what they were doing why would they do it ?
She thought to herself she picked up a photo of them and smiled it was their 14th birthday , they were all recreating the High school musical pose the one where they all jump .She laughed at the memory of it it was only 2 years ago but it felt like it was yesterday . She packed up all of Annabelle's stuff and put it in the truck , she was gonna keep it all . She had decided on the idea of keeping it she couldn't let go just yet . She was to upset and angry for this to be a goodbye , that's why she was waiting and bringing all of Rebecca and Annabelle's stuff with her to California . She loaded all of their stuff on to the moving truck .She sighed and watched it leave she wouldn't be seeing that for a whole week . She turned around and headed back to her room , she wiped the tears from her face and layed down on her bed .
She closed her eyes her eyelids getting heavier she yarnd and shut her eyes . And fell asleep

Anastasia woke up to the sound of a car horn rubbing her eyes she got up off Annabelle's bed and grabbed the remaining boxes filled with memory's she closed the bedroom door leaving the letter for the next people to own the house .

Anastasia got in to the seven seater car and placed her overnight bag next to her . She put the boxes in the back seats and plugged in her headphones . And putting Taylor Swift's new album on "Reputation "..
After about a hour in the car her phone died and she slowly fell asleep .

Anastasia woke up to her mum shaking her gently .

"Honey we are here .Are new home "She said

Anastasia got out of the car and looked around she saw a big house in front of her . She walked up to the house her mum and dad following her . She opened the door and walked inside. She looked up and saw a big stair case . She put her bag down and decided looked around ,she saw the kitchen , dining room , front room, party room, music room, and studio ,She walked into the front room and looked around there was a massive fireplace that stretched up the wall

Short but oh well.

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