Chapter 3

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Anastasia woke up and yawned it had been 2 months since she had moved here and she still hadn't met anyone.

She got out of bed and threw on a black leather jacket ,a red tartan skirt and a T-shirt ,she added a choker on to complete the outfit. She then did her make up smokey eyes with dark red lipstick .She was most likely breaking the rules but she didn't care.

She then went down to the kitchen and made her dinner she put it in the fridge to chill till she got home. She then made breakfast,Coco Pops, her favorite you just couldn't hate them. She ate them with a smile on her face .

It  was a Saturday and her family were all getting ready to go out .They were all eating coco pops it was a family favourite.They were sat at a long table with mum and dad at each end and the siblings all spaced out on each sides. They were all talking about how they were gonna buy a big house in a couple of years and how they would all marry someone they love and stuff. Typical family stuff .

After she had finished her breakfast she grabbed her helmet and walked to the garage. She got on her helmet and got on her motorbike  and headed to school She stopped at a red light and looked to her left there was a boy with black hair and pail skin. She didn't see the rest though as he zoomed off as the light had turned green . She followed on and was beside him , she looked at him again trying to get a better look ,he felt her watching him and smirked  he started to do a wheelie and she rolled her eyes ,show off ,she thought .She went faster and within a few minute's was at school.
As she got into the car park she felt all  eyes on her she laughed what a bunch of sados she thought .She parked her bike in the parking space furthest away from the entrance and got off she took her helmet off and put it in the back pouch thing .She heard the gasps and smiled "What have you never seen a ginger before?" She says laughing. She saw a student out of the corner of her eye slap his face with his hand
"I guess not " She adds.
She heard a cough behind her and turned "can I help you ?"She says putting her backpack on her back and then crossing her arms . In front of her was a tall pail guy with hair as dark as a raven ,he was wearing a black leather jacket and Jeane's .
"Take a photo it will last longer"He said with a smirk on his face
"Yea ,no I don't see your name on the parking spot" She says raising her eye brow .
"Oh,you must be new here because everyone knows this is my space and I suggest you move it" He said   before I do something bad" He whispered in her ear .
Anastasia rolled her eyes "pathetic ," She said pushing him away then kicking him where the sun don't shine. "Nice try dude ,but you can't do anything to hurt me"
She smirked at him as he falls on the floor crouching his balls . She winks at him before  turning around and walked to the front reception. She opened the door and went in .She walked over to the reception desk.

"Hey , I'm a new student here , my name is Anastasia Parker" She said chewing her gum and looking at the receptionist.

"Oh of cause , we have been expecting you , Here is your timetable ,locker number and combo, your books are already in your locker" The receptionist said handing her the papers over .
Just then the Head teacher come out of his office "Hello ,you must be our new student ,Anastasia isn't it" He said guiding her into his office. "I'm guessing my lovely receptionist give you those papers " He said sitting down in his chair .
"What these things ,yea do you think I just carry paper around with me for fun?" he says sitting down.
"Okay then ,I'll take that as a yes " he says
"Also you have to join an extra curriculum activity as part of your pass for the year , its compulsory if you want to finish high school  " he said smiling at her
"ugh really , you have got to be kidding me" She said crossing her arms ."Okay then what do you have "
The head  give her the list which she looked at she almost laughed when she saw them :
Yearbook committee
Performing arts
Prom committee
Anti-Bullying committee

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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