Stay With Me: Part 4

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your POV

Zayn gently grabbed your hair and held it out of your face and was rubbing your back too whilst you were being sick. You stopped and looked up at him with tears streaming down your face and loud sobs leaving your lips.

"Zayn! Im so scared!!" you half shouted half whispered to him. You realised you could just be ill and thought about how dramatic you were being over something that might not even be true. You vomitted a little more then looked at zayn again.

"Zayn. Please could you go to the chemist and get a test?..." you asked him.

"what?! No! Im not leaving you while your puking your guts up!" he replied, rather exaggerated in your opinion.

"please hun? Its not like i haven't been sick before. I can handle it by myself if you just quickly tie my hair up and out of the way for me?!" you said.

"ok hang on babe..." he came back with a hair band and gently tied up your hair.

"thankyou! Now go! I need to find out!" you said getting really agitated. Zayn kissed your cheek lightly before leaving and promising not to be long.

20 minutes later-

Zayn had arrived back. He stood outside the front door shaking a little because he didnt want the pregnancy test to say positive, but he didnt want it to be negative because he knew you would be upset and angry with yourself for getting all worked up over just a sickness bug. He was so confused. After taking a long breath of the fresh air, zayn stepped inside and was relieved when he saw you sat on the sofa with an empty bowl at your side watching a film showing you werent as ill as before. You looked over to zayn when he shut the door. You had fear and dread in your eyes. You got up and walked very slowly over to him because you could see in his gorgeous sparkly brown eyes that he was nervous and scared. He takes your hands and whispers to you.

"this is going to sound pathetic, but im scared (y/n). Im really scared. Im scared that if its negative you will be extremely upset especially after all the worried anticipation, and im scared that if its positive..." zayn swallowed hard before saying the words that were floating around in his mind the whole time he realised what the problem could be, "if its positive i might not be able to stay with you because it could ruin my career, and life. We're only young, im not sure i want to get tied down with a kid for the next 18 years or so of my life."

You were shocked but you understood what he meant and nodded at him to show your understanding, and without another word, you had grabbed the bag with the pregnancy test in and walked to the toilet. When you opened the bag, you realised there was 3 tests, this made you realise how thorough zayn wanted it to be to make sure the answer was clear. You tested all 3 tests and all of them had the same answer...


trololol... feedback?

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