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"Hurry up Hope the bar ain't gonna wait for you, you know?"

"Its a bar last time I check they don't move."

"You're a party pooper." Asta ran ahead bypassing the bouncer like he wasn't even there. Unlike the rest of us whose parents don't own half the freaking town, he doesn't need to get card checked. Sometimes, I really start to wonder why he's friends with me because it sure ain't because of my money. 

"Go on in, oh and happy birthday." Uh, thank you?  Walking into the bar, or I should say club, was something different. The lights were blinding and colorful, the music was loud enough to hear the states down, and the smell of alcohol was immense. 

"Asta I thought you said we were going to a bar."

"I did!"

"This is a club."

"That has a bar." Asta points over to a bar with a huge variety of colorful drinks lining the wall. I felt really out of place here, it just isn't my style. I'm the kind of girl who would much rather sit at home, watch some game of thrones, and cuddle up with her boyfriend. The only reason I agreed to this, is because I wasn't able to do anything this year for his birthday, and I didn't feel like being that type of girlfriend so, I kinda made this a joint thing. I guess? I don't know. I'm not used to this whole dating thing. Asta went off onto the dance floor. He already seemed to be enjoying himself. I'm glad. I just sat at the bar and allowed myself to melt into the music. Next thing I know I'm being pulled onto the dance floor by Asta. Who honestly already looks like he had a little too much to drink. I don't look like I'm going to be able to get away without dancing.

I don't even remember how long we were there, but I will admit after leaving the club, I did have fun. I don't think it was as much fun as what Asta had, but still, I left happy. Seeing the smile on his face, made it all worth it. It was late so I could see all the stars above me. It was so beautiful, and the moon was full tonight. I always loved the night sky. I decided that we were going to walk home as I wanted the night to end like this. I wanted it to end with Asta and me on a moonlit walk around town. Clique, I know but it's what I wanted. Asta was more than happy to do it. I think he likes these types of things too.

As we were walking I would catch him looking up at the stars every once in a while. He looked like a child in awe, with his white hair falling in his face. I care for him so much. He's practically saved my life. I was a depressed mess when I met him and now he's the brightest thing in my life. I honestly don't know where I'd be now if it wasn't for him. It kind of adorable how much he can be such a child at times. Though, I get the feeling that his energy is a mask.

A mask that I personally was never good at making. I was never good at acting, but Asta's the best at it. He's dramatical and pure. This happy Asta could very well just be another part he plays. I'll catch him, every now and then,  looking sad or just blank. He'll say something depressing and then immediately laugh it off like a joke gone wrong. That's how it always been with him, since the day I met him. I don't mind, not at all. I just want to help him if I'm right about this. He saved me my dark abyss of a depression, I want to be there for him too.

We started doing the ally when it happened. Some guy jumps out of the shadows demanding cash. Of all the places in the world, I never thought that our small little town would get these types of people. Then again, I don't what made him do it. All I know is that he was currently pointing a gun at me.

Asta gripped my arm closer to him. I don't blame him, I'm scared too. Anyone in this situation would. Asta handed him what he had left in his pocket and I didn't the same, but the guy didn't look pleased. He demanded more, more we didn't have. We had just come from a bar and we didn't really bring that much cash with us. 

Asta was not doing so well, fear has never been his strong suit. He freaks out over a little spider on the wall, I can 't imagine how he's coping with a gun. I'm scared to as anyone would be, the gun is pointed at me. However, if there is one thing I took from those dark days of mine, was the ability to bury my emotions. I could never truly hid the fact I was upset but I could play the part of not caring. I held strong, hoping that maybe something will happen. 

The man yelled and Asta jumped causing him to grip my arm harder. I think he figured it out. Here we are at a standstill, he wants cash, cash we don't have, so he asks for my bracelet instead. A bracelet that Asta got me, he could have easily had gotten me a sketchbook. Instead, He buys me a freaking diamond bracelet for my birthday. I started to take it off when the man started to smile. It was horrid, him and his gun. I don't mind it though, I would rather it be me than  Asta. But like I said earlier, He figured it out, and it didn't take him long to change where he pointed his gun.

I went stiff, I knew what that meant. He realized that I was the one to push, and that made me so pissed. Asta was the sweetest thing ever and here we are getting mugged. I finished taking off my bracelet and handed it to him praying he would finally go. That's when I heard it.

The sound of police sirens was getting closer, he had overstayed his keep. If he didn't leave now he'd get caught, but by the look on his face, I'd say he didn't look scared. To be honest he didn't act like what you would expect from a mugger. He was way too calm and clean. I glanced over at the street and saw the glow of the police lights, and all I could think was thank god.

"You should have stayed in the city."I looked back at the man as he lifts the gun towards Asta's chest, his fingers inching toward the trigger. It wasn't a mugging, it was a hit. A hit against the Mors and there huge influence on this whole state. What better way to topple a tower then to knock out the base. In this case, the base was Asta. It was like time slowed, my heart raced, and my body moved before I realized what was going on. 

The man ran, escaping the police as they ran into the ally. He messed up, shot the wrong person. At least now, he safe. The last thing I saw before everything went dark was Asta. His mask finally coming down as he cried, holding me in his arms, the blood turning the white heart on my scarf red.

"Hope? I love you."

Five years ago my teacher asked me a question.  "Where do you see yourself in five years." I had told her I had no future, that in five years there wouldn't be anything of importance. But then again, I didn't even care. Now that I got here I can finally honestly answer the question wholeheartedly.

In five years I will have saved the man I love, but it will be my end.

Hope's End.

"I love you too."

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