The beginning of a nightmare.

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It was really quiet. He didn't hear any of his goons laughing, or even the usual cursing from people around their base. None of the normal traffic or no honking of a car. Strange...also why did it feel like they were standing? Kokichi opened his eyes to darkness. What the...? He thought to himself as he felt around his surroundings. It felt like it was a locker of some sorts as he rubbed his head in confusion as he opened the locker falling out due to his legs somehow being fast asleep. This is probably.... just some kind of prank. Yeah, a really cruel one, but at the end of the day still a prank. He looked up expecting to see some fellow D.I.C.E members but was met with an empty classroom as he stood up in even more confusion.

Where am I? How did I even get here? He started down at the ground it looked as if an explosion had gone off inside of this place killing every living thing he didn't even see any bugs. He didn't know if he was alone or whoever the heck brought him here and what they wanted. Can't look scared otherwise they'll hurt me, just put on a mask so they can't tell what I am really thinking I thought to myself as I held my arm trying to maintain a good composure and suppress all my fear inside of me.

Where is everybody? Are the other members locked in here? Or am I actually all alone? He looked around at the classroom. It had overgrown weeds inside and cracks in between the floor. This isn't home...and I probably been kidnapped...and they might be hurt...AND IT PROBABLY WASN'T THE POLICE...I felt a sudden fear begin to invade me as I looked at the windows covered in bright red barb wire.

Oh god...why is there barbed wire? The whole room looked as if it had been trashed. What even...this place is like a war zone! I steadied myself upwards as I decided to exit the classroom. I looked around when all of a sudden, I heard something called "rise and shine ursine!" in a joint of a group and I hid back my startled expression. I looked down and saw...five stuffed animals. Ok this has got to be a dream at this point, I drank way too much panta last night"

When all of a sudden, the one with a striped pattern that reminded me of a tiger and glasses said "are you gonna talk or what?" and I said "are you guys teddy bears?" and the blue one that seemed to be impersonating a Rockstar said "we're not Monokubs! We're the stuffed animals!" Did he just say the sentence in the wrong order...ok...Monokubs...what in the name of all that is good is a MONOKUB?

"psst, Monokid... you're saying your lines backward," the striped one said to the rockstar one, I guess Monokid and he replied with "no, stuffed animals, us! The Monokubs, them!" This guy has the IQ of a peanut...please don't tell me these are the things that brought me here. The other Monokubs seemed to slap themselves in the face. They all looked at each other as I stared at them in confusion "hey don't you know who we are?" the red one said that looked like a ninja and I shook my head and they all cried out "yay it worked!" and I stared at them confused.

What the heck is going on? "alright now, let's tackle each issue one at a time!" and I just plastered a fake smile on my face wanting to see where the heck this was going. How much panta...? When Monokid called to the red one "You're so dammed reliable Monotaro!" and the pink one with a vertical striped dark pink pattern said "he's like a sixth grader helping out a fifth grader!" and the one resembling a business man said "which means we should keep our expectations reasonable" and then Monotaro asked "do you have any questions?" and I shook my head not wanting to accept any of their help and the suppress my weakness of not knowing much "nope" and the pink one looked at me "really? Not even about the academy? The ultimate academy for gifted juveniles? -

"Or what me, Monophanie, or Monosuke's or Monodams names? Or how you got there and who is here with you? Or- "and I took a gamble and guessed Monosuke said "well they know now Monophanie" the green robot one, Monodam? just stared. Instantly making him my favorite. The then called "so long bear well!" and I just kept shaking my head. Yeah, no imagination can make all of this up...not in a LONG shot. Oh well...guess I will go meet the others.

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