The death penalty of a tunnel

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The room was left with empty silence for a second after the psycho of a 'headmaster' left as I skimmed through the rules, and occasionally I looked around the room until Hoshi broke the silence "The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles School these are the rules" Tojo added "I do not understand why someone...would force us to do this?" I plastered a smile on my face "but the rules are pretty cut and dry. This game doesn't seem like it'll be boring" it'll be anything but's going to be he** and Chabashira called out "That's not the problem!"

Shinguji then asked a bit tiredly "please lower your voice. It is ruining the atmosphere" when Yonoga brought up "hey, hey what does the sixth regulation mean? The killing game and class trial will continue until only two surviving students remain, only two surviving students? What would be the reason for that?" Cause you can't have a class trial at that point anyway.... and Saihara almost as if reading my mind said "perhaps it's because you couldn't do a trial with just two people?" And Yonoga answered cheerfully, somehow because I could tell she definitely wasn't lying, "I see, I see your so smart Shuichi" for some reason I got a bit annoyed by that last comment. Momota said annoyed "quit screwing around...killing he** with all that crap! Who'd go along with something like that?!"

Kaito then raised his Monopad with an enraged look on his face ready to destroy it when Amami stopped him saying "whoa, hey now, don't do that. School rules says you can't break it" Harukawa as if deep in thought said "if you violate the rules, the Exisals will dispose of you" and Momota cried out "I don't care about the rules! No way I'm going to play this messed up game!" Does he honestly think we even got a choice in this? And Amami said "this isn't about 'playing' the game. It's too dangerous to disobey him now" and Iruma, who is just...ugh, cried out "forget about him! Just means one less dumba** for the world to deal with!" 

"Hey! Who you calling a dumba**?!" Momota screamed in retaliation and Akamatsu clearly annoyed cried out "HEY! QUIT FIGHTING ALREADY!" I nearly bounced back shocked that Akamatsu of all the people, here would yell at them, Momota to "woah what the- "but Akamatsu wasn't finished with her nagging adding on "we should it be fighting amongst ourselves, right now we need to work together, honestly I probably be more I siring if I played a song than give a speech. Chopin's 'military polonaise' would definitely unite us!" 

"Yeah, I could get behind some bolognese and I even like meat or tomatoes" I said jokingly, though that's actual kind of cool of her to try and be the leader and all of that and Chabashira cried out "I agree with Akamatsu chan! We must remember who the real enemy is! Master told me that strength must always be aimed in the proper direction!" And Yemeni shaking a bit said "a-anyway...your all panicking goes much.... just...stay me" Yumeno needs to learn how to lie if she ever wanted to pull that off, seriously she looks like a rocket ready to blast off.

And Yonaga in shock said "wow! Your shaking so much!" And Iruma said nervously "even I can't handle these intense vibrations! And trust me-I've got loads of experience!" Bi*** 

And Akamatsu said "anyway...why don't we work together and search the for an exit one more time?" Cause that's totally what I haven't been doing ALL day, she probably is right though. And Shirogane added "but we looked all over that wall and there wasn't a single hole..." and Keeboy yes, I finally made one! said "now wait for just a second, if there's no opening in the wall then how did we get inside these walls in the first place?" And Shirogane said almost naively "oh, good point" And Akamatsu said with a smile "that means there must be an opening somewhere!we just have to find it! Whoever trapped us here wants us to fight each other. So, let's show them that we're not going to let that happen! We're not going to fight each other! We're going work together! Okay!" 

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