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I walked into the area where already some of the DICE members were waiting "you came back Ouma! Hooray, a new member! I'm telling you guys we will rule the world at this rate!" Chiasa cried out excitedly while Mirai, Tsuki, And Takashiro rolled their eyes and Riko just laughed I nervously responded "if you guys don't want me here...I can just go" And Chiasa shook her head "no stay with us! It will be fun trust me!" and the others nodded Takashiro added "it's cool you can stay, DON'T get nervous though it only fuels Chiasa's power" And Chiasa laughed as I sat down with the group as the last of them arrived.

"With that, I call the meeting of DICE to order!" Chiasa said mimicking a stereotypical queen voice "what shall we do today, your majesty?" Riko said And Chiasa smiled "I decree we all explain why we chose to form DICE" and the group fell silent. What's with all the sudden tension...? "Come on don't be shy! I'll begin I formed DICE after I became paralyzed and the school decided disabled kids are weirdos so I could fight back with other weirdos!" And the group chuckled a bit, I thought she was just born like she actually lost the use of her legs..."I see Ouma needs an explanation when I was like...twelve I think I got hit by a speeding truck, but now look at me! Now I never have to run in gym class again!" She smiled yet she seemed to have some kind of grief hidden behind her eyes.

"Um...I'm blind..." Riko said silently rubbing her hands nervously and Chiasa smiled "thank you for sharing Riko! See, come on guys we ain't leaving till you feel even if it takes forever!" The group still was quiet "you guys don't need to tell me, really if it's making you uncomfortable-" but Chiasa interrupted me "it's fine, the more we say it I believe the more likely we are going to be stronger" finally Takashiro said "well...I have hearts disease, and I'm probably going to die when I'm like in my early twenties and Chiasa dragged me by the ear here one day. She has incredible talent" and Riko laughed "she dragged all of us here, I remember when she brought Kazue she practically tied him and dragged him here it was hilarious!" And the group erupted in laughter while Kazue shot her a death glare, thigh it probably didn't have a lot of effect judging how she couldn't even see it.

"Stop guys you're flattering me"Chiasa sighed and rolled up to Kazue putting her hands in a way that resembled begging "oh please mighty Kazue, please tell them why I dragged you here all those months ago in the middle of the school year" and he sighed "are you not going to stop begging till I do?" and Chiasa grinned "PLEASE TELL!" And she seemed to give puppy dog eyes as Kazue groaned and muttered something. Chiasa went closer and shouted "what? I can't hear you speak louder!"Kazue shot her a look "dementia..." and she yelled "LOUDER!"And he groaned "dementia! Ok? You happy now?" and she nodded "yes" as she pulled him down so she could kiss him on the cheek "I was going to make you say cause we're dating but oh well thanks for being even more honest" and he groaned "you little-" but Chiasa interrupted him "NEXT VICTIM!"

I muttered a sorry to him but he sighed looking at Chiasa still "come on, I was sure DICE had nine members before Ouma came! Not four! Join the dark side already young whatever those apprentices are called in Star Wars!" Nao rolled his eyes "don't make references for something you don't even know..." Chiasa smiled "THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING NAO!" And Nao replied "sh**!" Chiasa laughed, "this is why you don't insult my references Nao" he sighed "I'm here because Chiasa is crazy" and laughter erupted and Chiasa punched him in the arm "come on other than that!" And Tsuki grinning added "oh he's right, that's why we're all here cause our 'great leader' is insane" Chiasa rolled her eyes " you're after Nao then Tsuki" she grinned "worth it" and once again we turned our attention to Nao.

"I'm here cause Chiasa heard when people called me fat, the end I'm already over it," Nao said and Chiasa seemed to interrogate him further "oh really Nao? That's all? You sure it's nothing else?" he flicked Chiasa forehead "yes cause I didn't fall into the trap of dating someone like poor Kazue" The group was practically dying from that one till he wiped away a tear "ok I have lung cancer, that's a real reason now go torture Tsuki oh powerful and sacred leader" and Chiasa smiled while Tsuki groaned "thanks a lot Nao" he grinned "love you to!" she sighed "well Nao abused all the jokes we could have made so I'll just show you why I'm here" Tsuki rolled down her reveal long scars and wounds on her arms "I may be a tiny bit depressed, mostly cause Chiasa dragged me here" she grinned rolling them back up as Chiasa patted her head "good girl" and Tsuki rolled her eyes.

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