Telling the Parents

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The next day Kairi and Nate didn't have school, so they went to Starbucks and got there favorite coffee.
"You really like coffee." Nate said impressed.
"Well it was my first time trying it now it's my second." Kairi giggled.
"Do you wanna hang at my place for a little then we'll tell your parents is that ok?"
"Yeah its wonderful." Kairi said dazed.
"W-wait the idea or the coffee?" Nate asked confusingly.
"Both." Kairi giggled.
They both finished there coffee and headed to Nate's house. Once they got there they met up with mat and they play games for a while. Kairi was beating them by a landslide.
"How are you doing that?" Nate asked.
"What do you mean." Kairi giggled.
"Yeah she's just probably really good at video games." Mat said.
"Can you come here for a second Kairi?" Nate questioned.
They went out of the living room and into Nate's room. Nate was astonished on how she beat them again and again when she was a wolf the whole time until a few days ago.
"Shh not to loud he'll hear us, and I don't know why I'm good at games I guess I'm just good with hand coordination." Kairi said
"Ok but lets go back before he gets suspicious." Nate said then left the room. When the exited they saw Mat running down the stairs.
"HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR!" Kairi said in a panicked toned and was on the verge of screaming.
"Sorry I didn't know you guys were going to talk about something privet but I heard  the whole thing." Mat said in a depressed toned.
"Mat there's another thing you don't know about." Nate said.
"Oh no you guys didn't do it did you?" Mat said in a worried tone.
"Do what, what is he talking about." Kairi asked.
"Hell no we did not do that." Nate said annoyed, "I can turn into a wolf as well.
"Oh hehe sorry about that just worried for you." Mat said nervously.
They all played more games until lunch ate some chicken for lunch. Nate and Kairi left and went to the forest. Mat stayed home one cause he couldn't understand them when they were wolves and two he was too mortified by what he asked earlier. As Nate and Kairi got to the edge of the forest they both stopped to transform into there wolf form, and ran to Kairi's den.
"MOM!" Kairi said with excitement, "Me and Nate are dating."
"Marcel come here." Bella said with joy.
"They're what." Marcel said angrily.
"Dad were dating." Kairi said.
"Oh isn't it wonderful." Bella said and hugged Marcel.
He was shocked he liked the boy but didn't want his daughter dating him or anybody in that matter.
As Bella was happy and Marcel was shocked, Kairi and Nate went to Destiny Island.they both played in the mud ad drew what there hearts felt like, as they finished there drawings they both were similar as they both felt the same way.

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