Three - Light

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Alexandra sprinted as fast as she could, her tears mimicking the raindrops splattering on the concrete pathway. A thick blanket of darkness covered the area. A distinct scent of petrichor filled the land. As the rain dropped heavily from the sky, sounds of thunder booming and lightning crackling echoed across the city. A blackout took over the area, street lights flickering as they lost their energy. It felt like a ghost town; there wasn't a single living being in sight.

Alexandra felt her body start to shake. Her joints started to creak, and her movement grew stiffer. She froze, glued to her spot. Her will to move, her ability to control herself, disappeared like the lights on the street. She was paralysed in a standing position, and her legs went numb and gave in. Alexandra collapsed on the ground, curled up into a ball. Just how she liked it. Alone, frozen and soaked.

Elliot Physgood raced through the storm, gasping for air. Her creation - her robot - is aware of it's past, and she had to reach her before someone else did. She noticed a hooded figure collapsing onto the path opposite her. Elliot bounded towards it, but the poor thing was breaking down, shivering, waterfalls of tears flowing down her face.

She knew that the girl was not in any state to speak, so Elliot placed her hand under her chin and lifted her head up. Faded ocean-coloured and red-rimmed eyes stared back at her, her nose and cheeks dusted with a rosy peach. The girl was hyperventilating, and she sniffed violently every few seconds.

Elliot immediately forgot about her robot, and her attention moved to the sobbing girl in front of her. She sighed and sat down next to her, wrapping her arms around the girl and letting her cry into Elliot's shoulder. They were strangers to each other, yet they treated each other like the closest of friends. Together, they were the only source of light.

The only light in the darkness.

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