Five - Eucalyptus

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Alexandra stared at the phenomenon above her. She always found peace in the stars - their hopeful glimmer in the vast darkness of night. Each had a different name, but Alexandra refused to call them by number or initial.

She sighed comfortably as she lay down in the isolated field. The wind rushed past, whistling and howling, but the girl was surprisingly warm. A slight smell of smoke wafted through the cold air, yet it seemed to suit the aura of the night. Silence fell over, its presence peaceful and relaxing. Alexandra shivered - frosty wind prickled her goosebump-covered arms. Her smile - the first she could remember - couldn't be wiped off her face. The stars shimmered happily.

"May I?" A familiar tone questioned, breaking the silence. Elliot appeared next to her, wearing a blue scarf and coat. Her blonde hair was twisted into a perfect French braid, and she had a slight grin - a smile of pride and love. Alexandra nodded, gesturing to her left for Elliot to sit. Small talk emerges between the girls, and Elliot couldn't help but blurt out, "Do you know what to do? The deadline is three weeks away."

Elliot explained that she had no clue where the other creators were. After Alexandra was hidden away, the four had lost hope and separated. As time passed, the small group had forgotten about each other. Elliot had been determined to bring them together once and for all.

Alexandra stood up, surprising Elliot, who was lost in thought. Alexandra stared up at each individual star, smiling.

"If I... c-cease t-to e-exist," she started, "W-will I j-join th-them?" Alexandra pointed at the blanket of stars above her. Her heart knew the sky was her home. No place on Earth would replace the vastness of space. "E-Elliot, I-" Alexandra's legs crumpled, and she fell to the ground.

Elliot muffled a scream. She hastily stood up and sprinted to her apartment, leaving the fallen Alexandra in the field. Tears formed in her eyes like the rising tide. Elliot repeatedly tripped and stumbled, but being the determined doctor she was, didn't fall helplessly.

The oak door made a muffled whine as Elliot threw it open. A strange monitor awaited her. It resembled a cooking pot, its metallic grey hidden under a web of wires. The wires twisted and curled in all directions, attached to computers, consoles and modems alike.

Elliot hit various keyboards in frenzy. The world seemed silent, the only noise being the soft clicking of each keyboard and Elliot's own ragged hyperventilating. She anxiously placed the monitor on her head, rocking back and forth as she entered Alexandra's mind. All senses were now connected between the robot and its creator.

Silver and beige trunks stood proudly, emerald-coloured leaves swaying softly in the strong blue sky, barely visible through the trees. Vines covered the fallen branches, moss growing in the base of each tree. A minty scent wafted through the air. Eucalyptus, Elliot thought. Harsh screeches and metallic whistles rang through the woodland. A parrot-like bird glided into view. It had bright crimson plumage and cyan cheeks. As it hopped towards Elliot, it tilted its head. The greenery faded and a darkness covered the scene. No sound was heard besides a soft whirring as if the mind was asleep and at peace once more.

Elliot removed the monitor and sprinted back to the field. A smirk played on her lips. "Philip," she laughed, "I've found you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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