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     My eye shot open. As my eyes began to adjust I was relived To see I was still in my room. It was only a dream. A really strange dream. I tried to rub my temple from the slight head but,,, I couldn't move. Damn sleep Paralysis. I stare at the ceiling unable to move and tell myself over and over again. Don't look around don't look around don't look around.
Why? Because there is nothing worse then being unable to move and seeing something that is not really there.

Like my will to live.

I close my eyes thinking that maybe I'll fall back asleep. I was wrong. I lied there for about an hour and then my little brother came in flicking on the lights.

"(Y/N) ITS MONDAY!" thanks tiny calendar. Benny jumped on the bed. "SCHOOL TIME!" I groan at his loud and excited voice. Why is he excited for school. And not only do I have sleep paralysis it's Monday. Can this get any worse? "AND YOU START WORK TODAY!" greeeeeeeat. I sigh. He stares down at me then frowns. "GET UP!"

"1. I'm  lazy 2. I woke up unable to move" he narrows his eyes at me then smiled cruelly. "What are you- OW!" I curl up retaliating over my brother punching me in the stomach.

"Your moving fine now" he snickered climbing down. I pushed myself up groaning.

"There is nicer ways to help people" I sigh.

     I made breakfast and helped Ben get ready for school and then left for school myself. The good thing about high school is that I am beginning my senior year and I get half days. Only 4 classes are required so I leave after noon. Which means I can get some sleep before Benny gets home to adjust to my new schedule.

School is boring. 4 classes, 3 core, 1 elective, 1 extremely bored student. Although it only lasts for about 4 hours, I still don't enjoy school much.

"Oh...hey" that's Sara. We have been friends since 6th grade. She is more of a 'because I was lonely friend' to be honest. If you understand what I mean.
"So! Was it just as good the second time?" She asked cheerfully.

"I guess. This visit was definitely more interesting and strange....."
"Really? How so~"
"I got a job"
"Really! Wow! Look at you~ all grown up." She said happily poking my side. I shove her away playfully laughing slightly.

I began walking back home which was half an hour away from my home. Maybe the walk will tire me out enough to sleep. I hope at least.

"Tonight is my first night. I wonder why I can't quit till after the first week. Maybe they think I'll enjoy it and want to stay there." I laugh. My laughter gets weaker and it begins to hurt to smile. Not a physically pain though. "Heh....heh..............h.....e.....h......." I was alone. Sure I was always the first back but for some hurts. I'm capable of being by myself, and I enjoy being alone some times. But..... there is a difference between being alone and being Alone. I like being left alone but I don't like being left. That doesn't make sense dose it? I sigh knowing how crossed being alone is. I'm such a strange child. If you can even call a soon to be 17-years old girl a child. I lay down and close my eyes thinking of all the ways this job could go. Thinking of all the possibilities and outcomes. Worst case scenario.

I get stuck there
With no way out.

With no freedom
With no Choice.
Help us

Help us escape

We need you!



O R  J O I N  U S . . . . .

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