The first scream

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     I yawn slightly as ben runs in circles around me. We were on our way to Circus baby's for my meeting, and Ben's last day of fun there.

" why are they closing? Are they re-opening? Is it dirty? Are people sad? Did someone go missing? Is the boss tired? Are the robots tired? Are you still working? Does it smell? Who's your favorite? Do you like working? Do they like you?" Ben asked continuous questions, as he spun in a circle. I'm not even sure if he knows what he is saying. But two of his questions caught my attention.

' why are they closing? Is someone missing?'
With what happened at Freddy's I wouldn't be surprised.

     After a while we arrive. The pizzeria was buzzing with activity. People wanting to enjoy the last day for a while.

" all right everybody! Tomorrow we are officially shutting our doors for the time being. No one will be here for the next three weeks as we get things situated. Now (y/n), it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that, I want to be the one to close this place since I was the one who opened it."

" I wasn't worried nor offended sir" i interrupted.

" good. Now then. Tonight will be your last night as of this week. You'll be paid after your second week. It's going to be a little different tonight but it would really help us out if you got it done as quickly as possible." I nodded. He smiled, nodding slightly, and went back to talking to the others. I went a little closer to baby. Trying to figure out what was happening here. She met my gaze at this time. I found it difficult to pull away. We both stood there staring at each other, but who knows how long.

" you and baby having a staring contest?" Ben's loudly calming voice asked. Baby and I looked down at him.

" oh. Sorry buddy. Must've zoned out. You having fun?" I asked trying to sound apologetic and less mono toned.

" yes! Thanks for bringing me with you!" Energetic boys was as loud as ever. I pad his head and he ran off again to play. I watch him go seeming to zone out again until another voice broke me out of it.

" that boy. Is your brother correct? He reminds me of someone. Would you like to know who?" I turned back to baby who's attention was back on me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

" yes it is. And I couldn't care less who he reminds you of." I say mono toned. But for some reason there's a hint of venom in my voice. Baby must've noticed because she giggled slightly.

" oh come on, I can tell from your eyes you're a little curious. Well, it doesn't matter. The real question is..."

" WilL He mIsS yOu?" Her tone went dark as her voice glitched out. I took it involuntary step back and she started singing to the children who had arrived like nothing happened. I left the room and started toward Funtime auditorium where Benny was. Slightly shaken by what baby had said.
Would he miss me? One. What the hell does that mean and two. Would he?
I scolded myself for such a silly thought.
Of course he would! He's my little brother for Pete's sake.

     A shrill but little screen broke me out of my trance, as I ran toward Funtime auditorium. The Anna Tronics were malfunctioning. Box he was out on the floor, not moving and Freddie was glitching out. Repeatedly laughing and moving and jerking motions. His chest was open to show some type of compartment and the worst part. He was after the children. I went towards him grabbing a chair on my way he reached out with a screaming child is I swung the chair at his head. I want to share shattered, and the bear froze. His head, only his head, spun around slowly to meet my determined games. He straightened and turn toward me, his eyes never leaving my, smaller by comparison, form as my determined they are turned into a frightened one. I drop the top of the broken chair and step back as the bear advanced.

"Well h-hello ag-gain! Hahahaha." His face plates forever shifted as he stairs down at me. Nothing seemed able to interrupt his game is. Eventually, I had a wall. I tried moving to the left but ended up being blocked and startled as he slammed his hand on the wall beside me. To the right was a corner so I was trapped. I shut my eyes bracing for anything.

" miss. It's all right. We have deactivated him. That was quite brave of you" Open my eyes. Ready was still, his arm limp, but his doomed eyes never left me. I slightly side creeping around him. Even the activated his eyes track to me with what seem to be a hint of interest. I went over to the crying child, Freddy had tried to grab to find out. It was my brother.

"Benny?" I said sadly. Touching his shoulder he gassed and turned away. He looked up at me, and started to come down. He stood up wobbly, then came crashing back down onto me, wrapping his little arms around me and sobbing into my shoulder.

"Shhh. It's ok Benny. Your okay now. Don't cry." Pat his back and stood up, holding him in my arms. I started home.

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