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No One's POV:

“Appa!” yelled the tiny 6 year old, with a hand on the fridge door. At the call, Jin, who had been in the living room, poked his head through the archway to the kitchen. “Yes Jungkook?” Jin replied. “I'm hungry,” Jungkook said. “You want me to cook you something to eat?” asked Jin. Jungkook nodded his head so Jin went to open the fridge. Frowning after opening it, Jin sighed and closed it. “I need to buy groceries,” muttered Jin. Looking back to the 6 year old, he asked, “ It's pretty close to dinner. Why don't we order takeout today?” At that, Jungkook's eyes widen with joy and his bunny smile started to show. “Now go get everyone and bring them to the living room so we can decide what we want,” Jin said. With that, Jungkook sped off to his hyungs and other Appa, dragging them until they reached the living room.

Once all gathered, Jin spoke. “So we need to go grocery shopping, but I don't want to go right now so we'll order takeout since its almost dinner. Now, what do you all want to eat, pizza and pasta or Chinese? ” asked Jin. The kids all looked at each other before Taehyung practically yelled, “I want pizza and pasta!” Jungkook who was next to him also yelled, “Me too!” Yoongi looked between them before calmly saying, “I wanna have Chinese.” Hoseok nodded, “Me too.” Namjoon, who usually didn't care, spoke up, “I think Chinese would be good.” Jin looked at his husband with a slightly disappointed look, "but pizza and pasta seem good.” That's where everything went downhill…

“PIZZA!” yelled Taehyung. “Chinese is better,” Yoongi retorted. “NOOO, pizza and pasta!” Jungkook shouted. “Maknae that's all you ever want to eat, let's get Chinese,” Hoseok said, trying to reason with the youngest. Jungkook frantically shook his head. You would think that Jin and Namjoon would try to improvise and come to an agreement calmly, but oh how wrong you were. The 2 adults, were next to the couch, arguing as well. “Joonie! I think pizza and pasta is better,” whined Jin. “But Jinnie, we should let the kids experience more varieties of food, so Chinese would be better.” Namjoon replied. “Ughh!” sighed Jin. They continued to argue over and over again.

Meanwhile, observing all of the drama unfolding, Jimin was quietly sitting on the far side of the couch, away from all the yelling. He was listening to the disagreement whilst looking through menus of both cuisines. Suddenly, “HEY WAIT A MINUTE!” yelled Yoongi. Everyone stopped and turned to the eldest son. “Jimin hasn't said anything yet,” he said. Immediately, everyone turned to look at the boy who was minding his own business, reading menus. “Ok Jimin, since there's a tie between the food, you decide,” Yoongi said. Jimin's eyes went wide. “Umm n-no it's fine, y-you guys decide,” stuttered Jimin. “No you choose, you haven't said anything yet,” Taehyung said. “Uhhhhhh,” Jimin pondered. Everyone was still staring at him, waiting for an answer. “Can't we get both?...” Jimin finally said. They all looked at each other before Namjoon spoke. “Smart kid. Good job Jimin,” he said, Jimin smiling at the remark. “I'll order then,” Jin said, grabbing his phone to call and order the food.


After about 25 minutes, the food finally arrived and they all began to chow down. Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung were eating pizza and pasta with smiles evident on the young ones. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were inhaling their (korean) Chinese food. What was Jimin eating? Cheese pizza with a side of sweet and sour pork.

I'm finally back with an update! I'm soo sorry! Forgive mee! School has been ughh.

Anyways, hope u liked it! Leave requests.

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