Delivery/ Vhope

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   "Hoseok here's your schedule for today..please knock on doors and check if someone is home before you drop the box we can't have any more incidents ..understood"

   "Sir. Yes. Sir"

   "Alright ..get to work everyone chop chop"  


sighing loudly Hoseok grabbed his route *like where he has to deliver packages * Seeing most of the packages were in rich areas he involuntarily sighed  again he'd have to deal with the snobs.

" Hoseok which houses do you have today I have the z-10s ..I'm gonna see all the aunties delivering packages -I hope there single"

z-10s = urban house ect basic

" your so lucky Jimin I've got   A-5s I'm stuck with the snobs today I hope no one is home so I don't have to deal with them.."

    Putting an arm around Hoseoks shoulder Jimin side hugged him, other hand carrying his route.

"Hobi hyungieee you've got this ..don't worry"


"I don't got this why did Jimin lie"

Hoseok sat in the UPS truck head on the steering wheel it was his last stop of the day,but he was passed his breaking point he didn't think he could handle another snobby person.

But bad for Hoseok what he could handle didn't matter the only way to earn his check was to finish off his list so he would do what he had to do.

Hoping out the truck Hoseok went to the back pulling the trunk up and reaching for 3 small boxes.

Carrying the boxes towards the last house on the was unique heck unique was an understatement for it. Hoseok could tell who ever lived in the house could be either really chill or really rude.

He hoped for chill -

Knock knock

"It's Ups is Anyone Home?"

Hoseok counted off how many seconds he was trained to wait before he put down the package when a 20 something year old guy with black hair and small mullet stepped out.

"My package finally ..why did it take so long hmm.."

" ahem you see well um I don't know that I'm just a delivery boy I'm sorry for the inconvenience"

"Its fine sweetie really ..hah may I have them"

"Oh yeah sorry here ya go ..just sign this and I'll be on my way"

Hoseok screamed internally at how cute said boy was, passing the boxes and paper at the male he watched how he licked his chapped lips while looking over the small paper a smirk etched on his face.

"Here you go sweet pie ah like i wrote call me..toodles"

The door closed on Hoseoks face and he stood their appalled at One the guy had guts and did he just say "call me" Hoseok hadn't called someone other than Jimin in 2years this was a big step to him ..more like a leap.

Blinking at the door Hoseok walked away slowly in a little daze of what had just happened ..because did he just get a cute guys number.

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