Summerlove/ jihope

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3 weeks ago
      "Me and you aren't like the rest, instead of going out to beaches during summer we stay in —why can't we go somewhere this time around please Jimin it will be fun—"

    "Are you sure"

     "I'm positive"

Now :

   Hoseok and Jimin sat in between kids they were at piwes world the place everyone below the age of ten and Hoseok thought was the shit.

   It wasn't


    "Alright kids and rough play if seen you will be kicked out it?well I don't care if you got it anyway yada yada don't touch what looks breakable now go"

   Hoseok looked around impatiently the bounce house catching his attention first dragging Jimin by the hands till they were in the bounce house together.

    Trampling around little kids the two had the best time ever.

   In Hoseoks opinion


   After what felt like Hours of jumping Hoseok dragged Jimin out of the bounce house just to drag him into bumper cars the two barely fitting into the cars.
     Little kids looked at the two with big eyes all they saw were huge monsters which automatically meant they should attack.

  That's why I hate kids

  The two not expecting the attack goofed around waiting for the timer to go off, when nothing came after a minute or so they looked up to see one kid holding a red button while 5 other were in go carts all facing towards them.

      Hoseok whispered towards Jimin "uh why are they looking at us like they want us dead"

"I don't fuckin-"

   One of the kids mumbled "that's a bad word"

    "I don't give a fuck I don't give a shi-"

   Then one of the kids hollered

  " aTTack"


Two black eyes and one broken nose later

    "It's gonna be a good ole fun you said fuckin lying cunt"

    "Jimin that's no way to talk to your boyfriend or your Hyung"

   Getting up from the couch slowly removing the ice pack Jimin took Hoseok hands looking at him deeply

   "Well I don't give a shit I don't give fuck"

    "Fuck you pArk I was just trying to have fun bUt you had to start cussing waking the demons in those children up"

   "Shut up"

"I love you"
   "I love you more"

"Let's hAve sex"

   "Yeah..Wait whAt Wait Wait let me get the handcuffs"

The end

Also check out my new book called Miles away it's completed
But I'm posting them slowly I've been working on it since December so yeah I hope you will enjoy it

Next pOst is my music recommendation
BCuz I've learned some of y'all actually only listen to k-pop which nothing wrong with that but you should know more genres ya know

Got music you want to recommend comment that~

aLso I cAnt Wait to drOp the first chapter of mIrror ahahahaha ugHo


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