Klepto/ Hopekook

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🤡 I really love making one-shots.

Vulgar language
Jungkook. 19
Hoseok. 17

[A kleptomaniac has a mental disorder that compels the person to steal. Unlike a shoplifter, who will steal an item he or she wants or needs, a kleptomaniac steals for the thrill of stealing, often taking items that have little or no value]

May 10th
    1981... Jungkook stood behind the counter of a Rlase the store all the little punks as Jungkook liked to call them came to stand around and not buy shit , it was already 11:00 p.m. meaning he had only an hour left till closing and then could bolt the fuck out.

  In the store their was only a small teen about 5'7 with fiery red hair Jungkook took notice of the other when the sound of the seal on the batteries could be heard opening.

What the fuck?

Continuing to watch closely at the other he saw them put the opened batteries in their pocket before turning towards Jungkook sheepishly-and Jungkook wanted to be mad at them wanted to yell to "never come here again"but they had a really pretty face— and their was now only twenty minutes till closing... so he'd let it slide turning from the other to the wall and when he did turn back pretty face was gone.

With those fucking batteries.

May 17th


   The next time Jungkook saw ole fiery red was not even at work, he was at the gas station he'd just finished filling his tank when from the corner of his eye he saw red hair ..turning his head fully to get a better look he saw that it was that boy and he was walking straight towards him.


Straight towards him?


Jungkook swallowed but nothing was their his mouth was fucking dry- because literally what the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. This little thief had the prettiest voice, and eyes, and mouth, and little nose, and is that a fucking mole on the top of his lip?

"Uh ..hey?"

"Can you help me?"

Jungkook breathed in.


May 18th


"So you're on the run— and want to stay with me. A stranger."

"Yeah sounds about right"

Jungkook sat behind his steering wheel. Fiery- no. Jung Hoseok by him. Whom he now was gonna keep sheltered in his one bedroom studio apartment.

Because he really cant say no to a pretty face.

On the little drive to his apartment Jungkook found out three things Hoseok was 17, rich as fuck, and a fucking cutie.

Really not fair.


  Once they made it to Jungkook's apartment it was apparent Jungkook was tired- His eyes had been drooping while he watched Hoseok stand awkwardly by his door tiny hands fiddling.

"I sleep on the couch, you take the bed"

"or we Both take the bed"

Jungkook thought about it.

What could go wrong.

"You know what ...thats a great idea"


It was not a great idea.

Here Jungkook was behind 17 year old Hoseok.

Hitting him from the back.

When Hoseok said they should share a bed he didn't notice the double meaning.

Once they both climaxed Jungkook rolled off of Hoseok, the duo breathing heavily together till Hoseok softly spoke up.

"You know that was my first time"

"You know its my first time... taking someones first time"

Then they giggled.
Then slept.

Like that a bond was made.

He got

Not before
Taking money
Since once a klepto
Always. A. Klepto.

Jungkook awoke to an empty bed, the air felt cold. He felt cold. Where did Hoseok go? Getting up to see Jungkook walked around his apartment noting the misplaced items, finally stumbling to the door he found a note tapped on it.

" last night was fun, but I had more fun taking your shit"
   -from Hoseok 

The end

   I want to make aNoTher oneshot book but for bottom Namjoon and Hoseok but get all the endings will be s a d but not to sad.

  And unique aSfuck bcuz iM sooooooo cool lol does anYone want that shsheu

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