Wendsday (Dib's POV)

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Sweating. Pounding. Screaming.

I try to think, but my thoughts are cut of by sudden flashes of red.

What did I do to deserve this?

Then, suddenly yyyyy y y yyyyyyy

I awaken with a start. Yet another nightmare. I am drenched in sweat and hot, salty tears are falling out of my eyes. It seems like every single day, I'm loosing more and more of myself. My sanity is crumbling like an ancient, brittle human skull. So, I figure, why bother? Nobody will care if I skip today. Nobody will notice. I hear Gaz walking up the stairs. I open my door to see her applying a thick layer of black lipstick. "Since when have you cared so much about your appearance?" I ask. She gives me a paralyzingly scary stare, and I know better than to press further. "...Anyway, I'm going to be skipping today. Don't tell, ok?" I say. She groans impatiently. "Since when have I cared?" She says, and stomps off. I'm actually kind of glad about her rudeness. It means she won't tell! I sigh in relief and go back into my room. I shoot Jojo a text:

agentmothman666: hey man I'm skipping today dont tell ;)

weedboi420: haha cool dude 👌 call me if you need some good old kush 😂

I sigh. Does Jojo ever think about anything besides weed? I guess that's what happens if you're stoned 90% of the time.

My day off was exactly what the doctor ordered. It was amazingly quiet. I spent the day watching Mysterious Mysteries reruns, eating buttery popcorn, and playing computer games. I even ordered a pizza! I didn't feel bad for one second. I was watching an especially interesting episode when, all of a sudden, I got a text from Jojo.

weedboi420: hey lilly call me when you need your weed k we can work out the prices then 🍁

weedboi420: oh my bad 😂 sorry wrong #

My whole body froze upon reading that text. Lilly? Lilly?? LILLY?! Lilly was dead! Zim killed her...but this text...it was proof she was still alive! How? How? I saw her organs lying on a table! I saw her corpse in an alley! This had to be some kind of joke!

agentmothman666: Dude what the actual fuck are you talking about?? Lilly's dead!

weedboi420: no shes not 😕

agentmothman666: Seriously Jojo if this is a joke it isn't funny

weedboi420: bruh you gettin on my nerves 🙄 heres a pic of her 😒

He sent me a picture of her.

He sent me a fucking picture of her.

Lilly was standing there. But she didn't look...quite so alive. Her eyes were glassy and glazed over, her skin was as white as snow, and her hair was thin and brittle.

Zim. What had he done to her. WHAT HAD HE-

weedboi420: oh btw lilly says "hi dib" 👋

I ran up the stairs and vomited. Everything I had eaten for the past 48 hours came out. No. No way. He can revive corpses. No. He has too much power now.

I grabbed my pocket knife and violently cut myself.

It wasn't much help, but I could at least take my pain out on something.

Then, I fainted.

I had a few visions. Blurred images of doctors, policemen, and Gaz flew through my head. I didn't feel anything. Nothing. But. Pain.

I groggily woke up to the sound of soft beeping noises. My right arm and my head was bandaged up. I coughed violently.

The first person I saw in the room was Lilly.

The doctor came in and said, "Wow, would you look at that. There is someone who cares for him."

And Lilly said, "Hello, stink-boy."

And I


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