What Happened

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Several hours later John awoke in a haze.

As his vision became less of a blur, he took notice that it was dark out. He could see fires blazing all over the surrounding area, between the ringing he could hear the sounds of the crackling of fires, and sirens in the distance.

"What happened?" John questioned himself.

In a sudden frenzy he shoved the debris that covered himself and started to bellow for Sam and his friends. 

"Sam," he yelled, "Sam where are you?"

He trudged around his crumbling house in a panic, for he couldn't seem to locate anyone. Finally he spotted her, unconscious on the ground under the table, that now had a leg missing. He then found Greag and then Sean. He ran to each of them, and woke and helped them all up. Bryan already awake, came strolling into the room and began talking. 

"Thank god. I thought everyone was dead."

Sean hazily answered. "So what the hell happened?"

Bryan responded. "I looked outside a moment ago, I'm fairly sure a bomb went off nearby." 

John peered around at all the devastation inside of his home. Seeing the drywall crumbled, to hardwood flooring in shards and slivers. The roof was mostly missing, and the parts that still remained, hung on by luck itself. John glanced down to everybody, with a disgust and said. "Well. I'm not gonna stay in here to find out. Let's go see."

Everyone straddled to the main entrance that led to the street. Sam in Johns' arms, as he tried to comfort her. As they went through the threshold, their faces turned pale from the shock of what they seen. They looked around in befuddlement. Fires blazed in all directions, buildings were falling in on themselves, and crumbling with every gust of wind.

Their faces became sickened when they noticed the burning bloody corpses, scattered throughout the streets and yards and with each gust of wind, the smell would permeate everyone's nostrils.

Some body's were buried beneath the several vehicles that had been flipped upside down, or smashed into telephone poles.

In the Distance they could see what appeared to be a mushroom shaped cloud, with a strange bright blue and green tint to it. Lightning would occasionally arc across the sky.

Once again Sean yelled in fear. "What the fuck happened? Oh, my fuck… Did we just get nuked? What the fuck." 

Annoyed by all of the complaining, John boasted out to her. 

"Shut up Sean. We already have enough problems. We don't require your bitching to be another one." 

Sean closed her mouth and shut up. John took authority and continued to bark out orders.

"Ok first things first. We need to find some food and supplies, and then we'll find somewhere safe. Before whatever happened, happens again."

Bryan acknowledged the directions, nodded his head and went off toward a store down the street. The rest of the gang took the hint and did the same. They all ran throughout different stores, in the search for useful supplies.

John searched through a nearby deli, and noticed the bodies of several of the deceased people throughout the store. Some of which he recognized as locals. He seen dead children, and mothers holding on to their baby's, their flesh charred and peeling from the blast.

He went within his mind and thought to himself, while trying to hold his stomach. "What the fuck happened, how could this happen, who attacked us?" 

Thinking at a million miles per second, his brain was in a race with itself and reality, attempting to decipher what all had occurred around them. How this all could have developed.

He meandered through the store, grabbed up any food he could handle, and then exited the establishment. Outside, he perked up his head to the darkened sky, his eyes trained on the masses of dark cloud cover and within seconds, tears began to rain over his cheeks. He stood there reminiscing to himself as he sobbed. "How could someone be so heartless?" 

The sound of his friends interrupted his train of thought and he buried the horrid memories of the death and pulled himself together. He wiped away the tears from his face and jogged over to the others.

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