Chapter 8

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A few days after joining the resistance military, they had the regime beginning to suit up and start their training. The service worked in a hurry and moved fast in their process.

Sean and Bryan didn't take long until they started to complain about always suiting and unsuiting, and about the strenuous discipline management they had to undergo. But after a few weeks of doing this all the time it would get to be annoying.

Within a few moments in, they began their weapons training, maneuver drill and fighting style exercise. Strangely enough corporals and sergeants took notice to Johns' skill, for he seemed to be a natural fighter, a marksman shot, and already knew how to react. He was advancing much faster than anyone else in his platoon. The colonels gave him the squad leader rank. As he prevailed and proved himself, he attracted the leaders' attention. His squad and he were strenuously tested, and put through specialized tasks, prevailing and breaking all company records. Gaining the generals' approval.

As their graduation came closer, they promoted John in status several times. By the time of graduating they ranked him a sergeant. The rest of his friends all stayed privates, and at Johns request, were placed within the same squad as him. Now behind John, Greag showed to have the most expertise, while Bryan and Sean were about equal in competence. They even showed to complain equally.

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