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We here at WarriorCatManiacs are expanding our work and because of that we want you (Yes, you!) to come work with us! There are three jobs you can apply for!

1: Rp admin, which is where you regulate one of the two roleplay books and accept forms from people.

2: Creative admin, in which you can draw book covers and artwork for WarriorCatManiacs.

3: Writing admin, which is where you can write books, maybe even fanfictions, and probably help Buggy (another admin) with the writing contest.

For awhile, if you get accepted, you will be an apprentice admin and be mentored by one of us (CrazyCat (animal-maniac), Buggy (BuggyBug101), and Flame (Fire-Lich_Reznov)). If you stay with us for enough time you will become a full admin.

If this interests you please go to our book of random and apply for a position now!

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