chapter 10

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"Alright, so any suggestions to what I can do to win Enterprise's heart?"

Currently gathered together in one of the classrooms on the Naval Base were the 3 girls Lexington, Ooi, and Yamashiro. To most people, it was completely not surprising that these girls had become friends with each other.

Lexington had met the siscons right after one of her debacles with trying to show Enterprise her affection. They noticed her efforts and had approached her. They each got off to a good start with each other when they each realized that they had in common the same sort of...tendencies of affection towards a certain person.

And now the Carrier, Cruiser, and Battleship were gathered here together to come help Lexington. The Japanese wanted to help their new American friend out with her efforts.

"Have you tried cuddling up to her more?" Yamashiro said.

"Or hanging on to her at all times?" Ooi suggested.

"I usually try that, but it doesn't work most of the time. Big E just takes me off of her and tells me to stop clinging onto her." Lexington said. "Ah, but at least she says it in a nice way and I get to be held by her." Lexington said with a dreamy expression.

She shook her head out of that state and turned back towards her friends. "But what else is there I can do besides that?"

"Hmmm." Yamashiro mused as she put a hand on her chin. "I think we have to think outside of the box a little bit."

"What do you mean?" Lexington asked.

"I think instead of focusing on Enterprise, we have to focus on other factors."

"Other factors?"

"Yes, specifically, other girls." Yamashiro said. "I don't know if you've noticed, but you've got competition."

"Yes. I've seen that Enterprise-san has many girls close to her." Ooi said.

"Yeah, I've noticed." Lexington expression dropped a little. "She's always been very popular."

Lexington knew Enterprise was beloved by so many over at the USN. She wasn't really surprised at that because Enterprise was their most famed ship. But tt wasn't only her reputation that attracted many to her, but her personality as well. Enterprise had many friends due to how warm, friendly, and inviting she was.

So now while they were over at the Japanese base, Lexington knew she had a chance while there was less competition around since only a handful of Americans were here.

"So maybe the first step to Enterprise's heart is eliminating the competition first." Yamashiro stated.

"Oh! That's a good idea." Ooi perked up at Yamashiro's suggestion.

"Eliminate the competition huh?" Lexington asked tilting her head.

"If you were to eliminate them from the running, surely you can have a higher chance." Yamashiro said.

The idea Yamashiro had suggested kind of wasn't anything new to her. But she felt like she didn't really know how to go about it. Lexington hated having the competition but she was never much of a vindictive type. Or anything like that one word that the Japanese used to describe these kind of girls. Yandere, was it?

"I don't know about eliminating them. But I do want to get them out of the way so I could spend more time with Enterprise alone."

"So you just want the other others to stay away from Enterprise-san right?" Ooi said.

"Yes. If they can stop hanging around with her, it would give me more chance." Lexington said.

"I've got a suggestion then. If you want them to stop being with Enterprise, maybe you could find them someone else to focus on." Yamashiro said.

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