Yuri x Reader

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Requested by:IronDaman

"Quilling? Don't you mean quilting?" You stared at yuri in confusion. She sighed.

"No Y/N, quilling" your face was still blank. "Here I'll show you"
She got out some odd looking colored strips of paper. "Here watch" she started to roll the paper tightly. She added on different strips of different colors as she continued. You sat and watched her hands, confused.

Eventually yuri finished whatever she was doing and held out the little roll of paper. "Well ok then... But what's the point?" Yuri began to tan out the paper roll.

"Well when you fan it out they look like flowers, see?" She finished and held the final product out to you.

"Wow, that's pretty!" You took the paper flower gently "do you think you could teach me?" Yuri blushes lightly.

"Thanks... I could if you want me to..." You smiled.

"Thanks! So where do I start?"

"Well first you pick a color" you nodded and picked one of the strips that looked like it had round petals on it. "Then you start to roll it up tightly" you tried your best to roll the paper, your complete focus on the paper. You eventually rolled up the whole thing.

"Ok now we have to secure it" Yuri put some glue on a toothpick and leaned against you to reach the paper. You did your best not to think about your close proximity with your crush, to no avail but it's the thought that counts. Yuri dabbed some glue on "ok now if you want you wrap another paper strip around it, but it's completely optional" you nod.

"I-I think I'll just finish it for now" Yuri smiles.

"All you need to do is fan out the petals then" You did your best to fan out the petals like she had, the task was made even more difficult by the fact that Yuri had yet to lean off of you, not that you were complaining.

"Wow, I can't believe I did it!" You stared at the flower in you hand. And Yuri smiles at you.

"I knew you could do it, it's not all that complicated" you pouted.

"Way to rain on my parade" Yuri did her best to surpress a giggle. "Anyway can we make more?"

"Of course, you can start trying more complicated stuff now if you like" You nodded and got out some paper.

The rest of the afternoon passed with the two of you shoulder to shoulder making small paper flowers, while it was certainly uneventful you wouldn't say it was boring. By the end you had built yourselves a nice little pile of paper flowers. You glanced at the clock and your heart sunk.

"Hey Yuri... I think I gotta go now" she seemed sad.

"Oh well if you must..." She gathered up some of the flowers and put them on her shelf. She handed the others to you. "Here, you can keep these ones"

"Oh, thanks Yuri!" She smiled and kissed you on the cheek, she pulled away blushing.

"You're welcome Y/N... Make sure you get home safe..."

"Y-yeah" you blushed deeply "I'll make sure.. see you tomorrow Yuri!" You quickly left and started walking home as you walked you absentmindedly held you're cheek.

"Guess I don't have to confess anymore"

I'm sorry this was so short I wrote it in half an hour :/ literally, pictures and author notes and everything. Anyway here's what the flowers look like:


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