Chapter 3

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"Oh. My. God. CollEEEN! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Kory exclaimed, jumping up and down, clapping his hands in excitement and abandoning the tray of cookies he just took out of the oven.

"I don't know, I guess I've been confused", Colleen sighed. She was sat on a stool at the breakfast bar, across from Kory. I should have told him, I tell him everything, she thought. This is meant to be a good thing, everyone waits their whole life to find their soulmate. What about the people that never find their soulmate. Oh my god I'm so selfish I should be happy. Tears started to brim in her eyes but she pushed them back, she wasn't going to get upset about it in front of Kory. Especially since he hasn't found his soulmate yet. She should be the lucky one.

Colleen can't hide anything from her best friend though, from the person who's been there nearly her whole life, who can tell when somethings wrong. He put his arms tightly around her and pulled her in close.

"It'll be okay I promise, we'll work things out and everything will be amazing. If your necklaces fit together then they'll be the right person, I won't let anything happen to you again.", he told her. At first, she resisted but then she let herself fall into his arms. He was obviously talking about her last marriage. They stayed there for a while, Colleen sobbing and Kory comforting her until eventually, he broke away.

"Cookie?" he asked, picking two warm gooey cookies off the counter.

"You're the best Kory, I love you" she sniffed. Smiling, she took the cookie from his hand.

"I know I am", he joked, "but I think I know who it is and we need to invite them here straight away"

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