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Toothless' POV

It has been a year since I saw the little Viking hatchling in the raid.

I had followed (totally not stalk) him every time I wasn't needed at the nest.

I had found out many things I liked and disliked about the boy. The hatchling was named Hiccup. He was around 2 or 3 the time I saw him.. Now he was about 4.

I was really interested about Hiccups personality. He was nothing like the other Vikings. He loved to draw, and make weird but cool contractions. He wasn't as, well, 'round' as the other kids were, in fact he was pretty scrawny. 

I had felt really sad for Hiccup when I noticed how badly he was treated in his village. Even if he was the son and heir of Berk, he was treated as an outcasts, as he had un-vikingly way.

Whenever Hiccup stepped outside, disaster followed. But I didn't mind his bad luck, in fact, I found it amusing.

Even his own father didn't spend much time with his own son that much to know. Fortunately, Hiccup had a kind-hearted mother. Valka, as many Vikings called her, loved her son. She spent all her time admiring and looking after Hiccup.

But the thing I loved best about Hiccup and Valka, was that neither had the scent of dragon blood on them.

I'm glad he wasn't alone.


It was time for another raid, and I was really excited to see Hiccup. I flew ahead of the other dragons, eager to catch a glimpse of the hatchling.

Then I saw him.

Hiccup was being cornered by the other Viking Hatchlings!

I flew angrily to my spot on the cliff pointing to Berk and roared.

This alerted the Vikings to stop. Now the raid had started.

To my relief, Hiccup was left alone by the others and was found by his mother. I watched as they went into the safety of their house.

I snorted. What kind of idiots build their village houses out of wood when fire breathing dragons raid the place?

Right. Vikings that's who.

But I smirked after. At least Hiccup wasn't as stupid as the other Vikings. And he wasn't even 5 yet!

Suddenly, I saw a storm cutter snuck into Hiccup's house. I sat up, alerted, scrambling my way to their house.

I peered through the window.

Stoick, the chief of the Viking nest was inside with Valka and Hiccup. He was attacking the Storm cutter.

Hiccup was protected behind Stoick to my relief.

Suddenly, The storm cutter grabbed a hold on Valka. Hiccup and Stoick screamed and yelled at the dragon as he flew out the window.

I flew too, it was my duty to protect Hiccup and Valka. AND WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT WAS THAT STORM CUTTER DOING!?

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ' I screeched at the storm cutter.

Unfortunately, that alerted the storm cutter and he flew away towards the edge of Berk and beyond that.

I was going to follow when I saw Hiccup.

My eyes widened as I saw him.

"HCCUP! COME BACK!" I heard Stoick say.

"No! DAD! HE TOOK MOM!" Hiccup yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I know! But- Hiccup!"

He ran into the direction of the forest.


I flew in after him. I watched carefully from above, looking out for danger.

Hiccup ran onto the edge of the cliff.



I screeched in panic and swoop down to fly him back to safety. But I was too late, as he slipped off the edge.

I screeched again and flew back down to catch him.

I caught him as he was near the rocks and water at the bottom. I kept him close to my chest as I hugged him.

I flapped my wings and landed a safe distance from the cliff, but still in the forest. I knew he was safe with me, even if we were completely different creatures.

He looked at me with slight fear. "Night Fury...?" He whispered, in awe.

I nodded, coming closer, trying not to scare him.

Suddenly, he lunged at me, wrapping his arms around my neck.I stopped in shock, he wasn't hesitant with hugging me.

ME! The most feared dragon!

But nonetheless, I hugged, well nuzzled, him back. Hiccup started to sob.

"That dragon took mom away!" He sobbed. It broke my heart hearing him like this. He kept crying and crying the whole night until finally he fell asleep.

I held him carefully and flew back to the village. The raid was over, but the whole village was outside. They looked sad, and angry.

I realized it was dangerous for me to bring the hatchling back to his home, so I led us to a secret cove I found.

I set the boy down inside a cave. I sat around Hiccup and snuggled with him.

I soon fell asleep.

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