Chapter 3

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Amelia and Jenny finally arrive at the party. As usual Amelia looking beautiful even though she black and fat. Thank to her sister who love to make her look beautiful. When they got out of the car, Dan Amelia's brother says,

"Amelia...I don't trust this party. If anything happen call me immediately do you understand I'll come and get you."

"Thank you bro I'll call you if anything happens." replies Amelia while she waves to his brother and walk into the apartment.

Once they got there, the whole almost all the student in school was at the party. For Amelia the plan was to see Clara and f out of there, she felt that they should not stay longer but as she looked around they did not see Clara anywhere. As they were looking around, Amelia ignore the staring that was staring at her they were kind of impress that she could look prettier then when she was a school. They walk to the buffer area; Amelia and Jenny start to pour the drink at the cup. They take some cake, chips and put it at the plate then walk out to the pool where some of the students already swimming inside the pool. They walk to the end of the pool where there place to sit.

After a while, they saw Clara was walking towards them.

" my party. You look...nice." compliment Clara. Amelia did not say anything but just smile at her.

"Thank you for inviting us." Said Jenny.

"Yah...whatever. Anyway we need someone to refill the chips and the drinks. Is it alright if you help me?" said Clara.

"Oh...I'll go and refill for you." Said Jenny who willingly do anything for Clara. Amelia pull Jenny and says,

"I'll help you." Said Amelia. Both of them wanted to walk to the kitchen. But then Clara says,

"Why don't you go alone while I get to know Amelia."

"Oh...Ok Amelia stay and talk with Clara" reply Jenny but suddenly Amelia pull Jenny hand as she felt that Clara is playing with Jenny.

"You stay here. Do not go anywhere and I said don't go anywhere." Said Amelia. Amelia walk into the apartment and into the kitchen when a bucket of water fall down to Amelia head. Amelia stand there for a minute and calm herself down. Luckily her sister apply water resistant make up onto her so that the water would not smudge her makeup making the student make fun of her. Amelia walks to the kitchen top and pull out a piece of tissue paper and wipe water off her face.

Edward walks into Clara apartment. He can't wait to see Amelia face when he start his plan. He has already asked John and Max to help him. When he walks in, Clara quickly walk to him and accompany him throughout the whole party.

"Where Amelia?" said Edward. Clara stands up and looks around saw Jenny and Amelia was sitting at the corner of the pool.

"There they are." Said Clara pointing her finger at them Edward stands up and saw Amelia. He can't denial she looked prettier when she wake makeup on. As Edward keeps looking at her, Clara who was just sitting beside he notice and was not so happy that Edward look at Amelia the way she wants him to look at her.

"What are you going to do with her?"

"Wait and see!" said Edwards smiling as he believe that his plan was working. John then orders Clara to go to them and ask Jenny to go to the kitchen. Clara did not any question fear that Edward would not be happy with her if she keeps questioning him and follow John order, After a while, they saw Amelia walks into the kitchen just like Edward predicted. Amelia would not allow Jenny to go into the kitchen knowing that something might happen to her so she volunteer herself. A few moments later, they could hear laughing from the kitchen.

They walk into the apartment and saw that Amelia was cover with water. John and the rest laugh at her expect for Edward as he want to see what Amelia would do next. Right after Amelia wipe the water off her, she walk over to the kitchen top and took out bags of chips which was inside the upper cabinet and start to topping up the chips in the chips area where the chips are all almost gone. As she was about to walked into the kitchen right after topping up the chips suddenly a bag of flour was being poured onto her Amelia keeps herself calm shake the excess flour off her and continue to walk into the kitchen while everyone there continue to laugh their ass off at her.

Amelia ignored them and continued to do what she was told by Clara. Amelia then walk out of the kitchen with 2 jug of fruit punch on her hand but suddenly Tailor and Matthew took the 2 jugs off her and poured it as per Edward instructed making the other laugh at her more louder. Edwards's looks at Amelia impress that she could hold on for that long normally other girls would have already running out of the apartment crying. Amelia did not react to their bullying and continue to walk back to the kitchen.

After a long day redesigning house for his client, Mike came home without knowing that Amelia had went to a party usually Amelia would have call or message him to let him know he felt weird that she did not do it. Right after dinner, everyone was in the living room watching a British drama even though they don't know what it was about they just watch it while waiting for Amelia with a heavy heart, they felt it too once before back in Seattle, ag the same time they got a call from someone that Amelia was fighting and the person she fought with almost passed away because she was angry that the person had cause her best friend to died. As they wait patiently suddenly the house phone ring, Alyssa who was right beside the phone answer in and heard a very familiar voice.

"Hello!" said the person on the other line Alyssa could heard that she was crying and shaking at the same time.

"Whose this?" reply Alyssa.

"It Jenny friend of Amelia who invited her to the party!" reply Jenny.

"Where is she?" demanded Alyssa as she know this would happen.

"She...she...." Cried Jenny as she could not bring herself to tell Amelia family what they have done to her and it all because of her.

"Jenny I want to speak to her!" demanded Alyssa again this time with her firm voice. Mike and Dan looked at her waiting for Alyssa to say something.

"They have lock her inside the closet and lock her." Said Jenny. When Alyssa heard that she panic, Amelia is a very brave girl but there is 1 thing that she fear of is being stuck into a small and dark place which she has no control off.

"Where are you right now?" question Alyssa as she stood up.

"Down at the apartment they have kick me out of the apartment!" reply Jenny.

"Wait there!" order Alyssa as she hang up the call and looked at her brother and father terrific.

"She's in trouble!" Mike and Dan did not wait any longer, the three of them rush out of the house with the car keys and drove to the apartment where Amelia is. When they got there, they saw Jenny was waiting for them, they rush out of the car and Jenny show them the apartment.

Once they reached the apartment, the apartment door was wide open. They walk in and saw the apartment was pact with young teenage dancing and enjoying themselves. Jenny led them to where Amelia was being lock. As they were walking nearer to the closet, a group of boys block Jenny way but once they saw how build Dan looked they give them way. Dan quickly open the closet door, as the door open Amelia was already unconscious and fall into Dan. Everyone stop what they were doing and look at the Amelia.

"Amelia...Amelia wake up!" said Dan as he tries to wake her up but there was no respond from her. Mike quickly move her on top of Dan back and get her out of there to bring her to the nearest hospital. Edward who saw the commotion looked at Clara who was giggling with her friends for what they had done which to him was not funny at all. He might be bad but to that extreme, he then decided to get the hell out of the apartment. 

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