oh dear

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A/N: I AM BACK :) Sorry everyone I hope you all are well..... I know it's been a really long time since I've updated but I'm back and I have a plan for where this is gonna do.... I'm also super excited because season 2 is coming out next month! this chapter is gonna be the start of something interesting. also I'm gonna try to get out at least 1 chapter weekly again I've just had a lot of going on. well I hope you enjoy

Josh's Office

Carol Anne stormed through the front door. Anne was sitting at the reception desk "excuse me can I help you?" she said smiling as Carol Anne glared at her, "Carol Anne Keane we've met like at least 100 times, oh that's right you have that thing where you, can't recognize faces," Josh walked out of his office, "what are you doing here" he asked as she walked into his office, he shut the door behind her "I came here for business only" she stated looking at him "your client is guilty, I can read it on her face..... she is going to pay for what she did" carol anne growled. Josh looked at her confused "w-what did she do? you were the one interrogating her if I do recall" she nodded "I did but the *^&$% called me crazy I'm not ^#$%en crazy Josh!" she yelled glaring at him. Dwyane heard Carol Anne and walked over to the window, Anne followed behind him. they both smiled Looking into Josh's office when Josh realized he walked over and shut the blinds locking the door at the same time "well that blows" Dwayne said "let's go play hangman Anne" they walked away. Carol Anne looked at Josh and pouted "don't stress me out" Josh looked at her confused, "I think that lack of sleep you had last night has really caught up with you come on I'll take you home" he sighed and went to open the door when she stopped him "oh I'm not finished here yet" she said as he rolled his eyes "as much as I would love to just tear your clothes off I really, really need to work" she moved a little so her back hit the door causing it to thud a little, both Anne and Dwayne walked towards the door Carol Anne pulled him against her and whispered "Looky here, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way counsellor the decision is up to you, either way, one of you is gonna die " she smiled and went to kiss him when he frowned "you're doing it again. this is so unprofessional" he whined as she pulled back "fine suite your self" she held her head high and unlocked the door as Dwayne and Anne ran back to there white bored "S?" Dwayne said as Anne smiled "yes" she said cheerfully, Carol Anne Looked at the board "Carol Anne Keane sucks? Anne?! Carol Anne Keane" she pointed to her self. "keep running your mouth like that and Josh will be paying for it" Josh looked at Carol Anne frowning, "Do you want me to take you home?" Anne looked at Josh "Oh Yes I would like a lift home" he just ignored her as Carol Anne she shook her head "No I will take my self-home" she said Josh sighed "suit your self" Josh went back into his office.

*The Next Morning*

Josh arrived at the courtroom, he went through his usual routine with security, then went in and took his seat in the counselor's chambers opposite the Judge, he sat there and smiled, waiting for Carol Anne to arrive so they could take there briefing so they could see what the bail would be set as. After about 10 minutes the Judge frowned "where on earth is she" Josh Mumbled to himself "Where is the prosecutor?" he asked as Josh looked at him "Honestly I have no clue, if you excuse me I'll call her and see where she is" he nodded as Josh left the room calling Carol Anne Keanes cellphone "Hello? where are you?" he asked as she just groaned "ugh" she said Josh sighed "you're meant to be at our meeting where are you" he repeated Just then he heard her throw up "oh god" he gagged hearing her "why didn't you call in earlier sick?" she sighed "because I was sleeping" she said when she was finished. "Look I'll tell him we'll have set a new day" before hanging up, before walking back into the chamber, "your honor, I'm really sorry but she can't attend, because what I heard was, very unpleasant and I suggested her going to the doctors" The Judge sighed "Alright we'll reschedule for next Tuesday, I'll send out an email, I expect you both there"

*Carol Anne's Place*

Josh walked up to the door looking for her key when he couldn't find it, he knocked on her door, to his surprise, it was already unlocked so he walked in "Carol Anne are you in here?" he asked walking through her house he eventually made it to her bedroom and saw her curled in the fetal position "you really are a mess" he said sympathetically she moaned "w-what, why are you here Josh?" she said then realized "Oh shoot, I missed that damn meeting" she groaned as she rolled over to look at him, "Geez, you're whiter than a ghost" he said a little worried as she frowned "shut up" he sighed "sorry, Look is there anything at all I can get you? a glass of water, some crackers, your toothbrush, maybe a breath mint" she pouted "no I just want you to hold me" Josh looked at her then did exactly what she asked he lay next to her she snuggled into him and just lay there for a while, "I really don't feel good" she finally said, before getting up and running to the bathroom, Josh got up and followed behind her then grabbed her hair, "this is gonna be a fun rest of the day" she slapped his leg "what?" he asked "It's okay I'm not gonna leave you, I promise"

A/N: sorry the end of that chapter was difficult to write but if you have any suggestions write them in the comments below :)

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